Nandi Fumbata attends the BRICS Network University meeting in Brazil
Ms Nandi Fumbata, PhD candidate in the Department of Economics and Economic History at Rhodes University, has been selected to attend the BRICS Network University (BRICS NU)
Commerce awards four gifted learners
During Rhodes University’s Open Day, which took place on 10 May this year, the Commerce Faculty awarded four bright learners with their own solar-powered battery pack.
Limerick exchange student attains MCom from Rhodes
Edward Horn received his MCom from Rhodes University last week after a three and a half-month stint at Kemmy Business School of Limerick University in Ireland.
Local twins ‘master’ it at Rhodes
East London twins Jakub and Sebastian Kosiorek yesterday received their masters degrees from Rhodes University.
RU Commerce students represent at the Student Leadership Summit
Two Rhodes University Commerce students, Letty Seshoka and Denzel Makombe have been selected to participate in a national Student Leadership programme as part of the top 30 students chosen for the Student Leadership Summit 2017.
The Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions in Africa
Professor Enyinna Nwauche’s highly anticipated book on traditional cultural expression in Africa has been published.
Global difficulties not to blame for SA’s slowdown
THE latest Reserve Bank Quarterly Bulletin confirms the sorry state of the South African economy. It also identifies strong headwinds that will hamper faster growth in the future
SA should study how Australia exports degrees
I wonder what Minister in the Presidency Jeff Radebe thinks about late at night.
THE POINT: Creating win-win solutions for businesses
THIS is a real-life business dilemma faced by the CEO of a brick factory in the Eastern Cape.
THE POINT: New performance gauges key in cutting pay gap
THINK of a gathering of 900,000 people — the annual population increase in SA, based on the 1.65% growth rate of the population of 55-million, according to Statistics SA’s mid-2015 figures. Add this to the Bloomberg survey that ranks SA third in the world in the 2015 Misery index, in Bloomberg’s words, "one of the five most painful economies in which to live and work in the world". In first place is Venezuela with a collapsed economy, followed by Argentina. In fourth and fifth place are Ukraine and Greece.
The cushy life of a CA. A steal at R10 a day, make it R20.
This is Matthew Lester at his best, he’s questioning the R10 a day he pays to be a Chartered Accountant.
THE POINT: Let’s start with prioritising quality education
WE WENT to Davos to see the wonderful wizards of wealth: a guild of the rich and powerful who pledge to increase justice and end poverty, but who find it perfectly on form that the world’s 62 richest billionaires — many of whom were represented at Davos — have as much wealth as 3.6-billion people today.
Greece is paying the price of excess spending
WHICHEVER way it voted on Sunday, Greece will still be faced with economic pain as the financially embattled country tries to adjust its domestic spending in line with what it can afford.
Murky nuclear plan no light at end of tunnel
THE government is committed to building 9.6 gigawatts (GW) of nuclear power plants, but no one has any real idea how much this will cost
SA is creating jobs that lock out workers forever
Rhodes University staff member in the Economics department, Professor Gavin Keeton, discusses how South Africa needs to expand its job market to account for the number of unskilled workers in the country.
Post office, Telkom, Eskom becoming obsolete
TWENTY years ago, it was unthinkable that SA could manage without efficient service from the post office, Telkom and Eskom.
Internet newbies lack security knowledge
There is a growing number of new Internet users, whose biggest challenge is that they lack education about the risks.
Rhodes Business School lands Amba accreditation for MBA degree
RHODES Business School has become the sixth South African school to have its Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree
Joining the 2% of accredited business schools worldwide
Rhodes Business School is proud to announce the accreditation of its MBA provision
Rhodes wins in CA assessment
RHODES University has scooped top honours in final assessments to qualify students as chartered accountants
Tax and spending: Focus needs to fall on higher growth for state to meet ambitious goal
THE 2015-16 budget demonstrates the government’s determination to preserve SA’s hard-won
SA government needs private-sector assistance
WHEN governments run out of money, the consequences are usually very painful. To reduce spending to what is affordable
Mr Chris Upfold Awarded the Commerce Faculty Teaching Award
In acknowledgement of his innovative teaching and learning strategies, Mr Chris Upfold has been awarded the Commerce Faculty Teaching Award, an initiative aimed at recognising a Commerce Faculty member who has developed a teaching and learning strategy that addresses the changing needs of the Faculty, students or society.
New rouble crisis unlikely, but we cannot relax
THE Russian rouble has plummeted against the dollar since the middle of the year.
Investor exit behind fall in commodity prices
THE rapid fall in the oil price to below $80 a barrel will provide welcome relief to cash-strapped South Africans.
Near-tragic fire incident sparks student's rise
A TALENTED university graduate who was wasting away in a dead-end job when he nearly died in a life-changing shack fire
Matthew Lester: How f***ed are the poor in RSA?
Sorry to ABIL’s ex director Tami Sokutu, I just cannot leave this theme alone.
Matthew Lester: The thing that keeps me awake at night
It must be damn tough to be South Africa’s minister of finance. Personally I would rather gut fish.
Matthew Lester: Will stamping out tax evasion solve the world’s tax problems?
A director of a listed company, exhausted by multiple SARS audits, recently complained to me that big companies are overly targeted by SARS. So here is an explanation.
Rhodes Business School addresses critical skills shortage.
Much needed and critical skills in South Africa are being addressed through Rhodes Business School’s Certificate in Sustainable Business Analysis.
Rapid growth only real option to fight inequality
A RECENT World Bank Report highlights the effectiveness of SA’s fiscal policies in reducing inequality and poverty.
Matthew Lester: My assessment of the 2014 Mini-Budget
New bbin宝盈集团 Minister Nhlanhla Nene this afternoon delivered his first major speech to Parliament in his new role.
Matthew Lester: Preview of the maxi Important Mini Budget (video)
This year’s Mini Budget, to be presented to Parliament tomorrow.
Matthew Lester: Tax alert – big news coming in next week’s Mini Budget
Some say the news event of October will again be Oscar Pistorius.
Our economic weakness is of our own making
AFTER decades of poor economic performance, sub-Saharan Africa’s growth is taking off.
Matthew Lester: Investing local is still lekker
There are many disturbing images of our beautiful country.
Who's Heritage Day is it anyway?
It is not difficult to come to the conclusion that we are steeped in a deep heritage of assassinating each other WEDNESDAY, September 24, was Heritage Day.
Matthew Lester: Rising food prices, a spark that ignites unrest
“Cry havoc – and let loose the Dogs of War.” Frederick Forsyth didn’t pen the line.
Job disparities according to race are alarming
A Recent report by Statistics SA provides interesting insights on employment and unemployment in SA.
Matthew Lester: Goodbye Great SA Summer Holiday – and coastal fun spots
Matthew Lester has a light pen. And a way of teaching us about his speciality – tax – by working lessons through seemingly unrelated stories.
Matthew Lester: Whose Heritage Day is it anyway?
Wednesday 24 September is Heritage Day. It is a pity that our country, so rich in heritage, seems to have reduced this important day to a bring-and-braai pissup.
Matthew Lester: Bravo Tim Noakes – stuff those empty suits and their dusty tomes
My favorite book ever, even beyond JD Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye’, is Apsley Cherie-Garrard’s ‘the worst journey in the world.
Matthew Lester: Judge Masipa got Oscar judgement spot on. Here’s why.
For the past two years even the National Budget Speech has been chased out of the media spotlight by Oscar Pistorius.
SA must cut exposure to fickle global investors
TWO developments dominated the economic news in recent days. The first was the unexpectedly large increase in SA's current account deficit to 6.2% of gross domestic product (GDP) — in money terms, a deficit of R222bn a year.
SA’s mining address no longer in a prime area
THE president of the Chamber of Mines describes South Africa as "the world’s best mining address".
Matthew Lester: Confession of an Eastern Cape coke addict
The Eastern Cape pays less than 8% of South Africa’s personal tax.
Personal collections – what is their true investment potential?
Some years ago I received a Mandela gold coin as a long-service award.
Skills shortage addressed as 400 analysts trained
TWO years after the Rhodes University Business School and Standard Bank partnered to offer a programme to address business analyst skill shortages in South Africa, 400 have graduated.
Matthew Lester: Save our teachers. F$@k the cruising Abil executive
I quote from Prof Lawrence Wright lecture at Rhodes University 16 November, 2011. (Yes, that’s now nearly 4 years ago!).
If users are to pay, they must also have a say on big projects
THE recent decision by the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) to grant Eskom an additional tariff hike next year to compensate
Revenue shortfalls just part of Eskom’s troubles
Commentary about Eskom’s financial woes usually focuses on the refusal by the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) to grant the utility its requested large annual tariff increases over the next five years.
The wind beneath her wings
A HARDWORKING masters student would not have made it into Rhodes University five years ago
Matthew Lester: Lifelong learning – part-time MBA with tax benefits
It is now five years since the depths of the global credit crunch. The rot may have been checked but world prosperity seems to still be a long way off.
Matthew Lester: Agric land switched to game farming coming back to bite SA
There is not much fun to be had when attending farmers’ days anymore. For years these functions used to be all about the droughts, floods or pests, lousy market prices and increasing fuel prices. We could generally drink out a solution.
Rate hike shows policy makers’ predicament
The decision by the Reserve Bank’s monetary policy committee to increase interest rates by just 0.25%, rather than the 0.5% increments it has used in the past
Sleeping through a revolution
Martin Luther King Junior eloquently adapted the story in the context of America sleeping through the rise of the black consciousness movement.
Maqubela scoops Social Entrepreneur award
Rhodes University Statistics lecturer, Ms Thina Maqubela was recently awarded the Social Entrepreneur award
Mining pay should reflect rise and fall of profits
THE five-month platinum strike is thankfully at an end. Producers and workers must now focus on recovering as best they can.
Young woman wins business award
MOTHERWELL-born Thina Maqubela has proved that success has nothing to do with where one comes from, winning a regional businesswomen’s award last week.
Rhodes alumni awarded prestigious international scholarship
Two Rhodes University alumni, Dylan Smith and Timothy Abel, were recently awarded prestigious Rhodes Scholarships.
Hosting mega-events not as valuable as thought
THE run-up to this year’s Fifa World Cup in Brazil was marred by widespread popular protests. Underlying these demonstrations are numerous social
Matthew Lester: Financial Planning for young graduates. Don’t stuff up like Dad.
Most financial planning campaigns are directed at the ‘Baby Boomer’ generation (born between 1945 and 1963) and Generation X (born between 1964 and 1980).
Prof Snowball awarded the Vice-Chancellor’s Distinguished Research Award
Professor Jen Snowball has been acknowledged for her contribution to research at Rhodes University by being awarded
Outlook for mining is about the future of jobs
THE platinum strike is in its fifth month. We learned last week that it has already caused a 0.6% annualised contraction of SA’s gross domestic product
No quick solution to the problem of inequality
South Africa is one of the most unequal countries in the world. We are not, as is often claimed, the most unequal.
Rhetoric aside, what we had was compromise
The economic and social policy framework in SA since the advent of democracy has been described as a "class compromise".
SARS conjures rabbit out of hat
THERE are two major vulnerabilities in South Africa’s tax system.
INSETA-funded BCom students achieve 100% university pass rate
The Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority (INSETA) is thrilled to announce that all 53 Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) Accounting students, funded by INSETA
Lights might be on, for now, but a credible power plan is crucial
RECRIMINATIONS over Eskom’s recent load-shedding should not divert attention from the economic consequences
Not much here for poor or the planet
I GOT most of my budget predictions wrong. Starting off, I did not think the South African Revenue Service would get within R20billion of target. Wrong.
New hope for rural SA just a tweak away
IT is difficult to make a realistic wish list for the national budget speech on Wednesday.
Six academics to deliver inaugural lecturers in 2014
Six Professors will deliver their inaugural lectures at Eden Grove Blue from May until September this year.
VAT change adds to cluster costs
HOMEOWNER associations range in size from small committees that pool resources to collectively tackle security to substantial operations
Sustainability on the business agenda
FEBRUARY 5, 2014: IT’S not just environmentalists that have elevated sustainability to the top of the agenda, but business and recently business studies in higher education, which has woven the topic through its high-level post-graduate courses to ensure that commerce is cognisant of a ‘triple context’.
Income tax unlikely to go up in an election year
Speculation over the surprises in store for taxpayers in the national budget speech, (27 February) is already starting. Some say this is an election year and not much will happen.
South African Commerce Deans’ Association
The South African Commerce Deans’ Association (SACDA) recently convened at Rhodes University for the second of its two annual meetings.
Investors need more than what's on offer
THERE is a new tax package on the way for special economic zones to replace the old industrial
State simply cannot do everything on its own
SOUTH Africa last week experienced electricity load shedding.
Rhodes accounting students will score from new professional link
Students in the Department of Accounting have a clearer path to follow to success and a mentor they can be proud to emulate
TAX TALK: Put the fringe benefits to use for low earners
MY dad served 34 years at the Johannesburg branch of the reformatory school for boys in Tokai.
Two provinces fund most of South Africa
THE recently released South African Revenue Service Statistics 2013 package contains a fascinating map
Let nothing stand in the way of economic growth
The medium-term budget policy statement released last week makes for sombre reading. Its key message is that five consecutive years of subpar economic growth have left fiscal policy with no room for manoeuvre.
TAX TALK: Gordhan saved country from junk status
Working with the recently released 2013 SARS tax statistics is a pleasure. They give true meaning to transparency in the budgetary process.
Praise heaped on mini budget
EASTERN Cape experts yesterday unanimously gave bbin宝盈集团 Minister Pravin Gordhan the thumbs-up for his medium-term budget policy statement,
Stout captain but stiffer headwinds
The biggest hospital pass in tax history must have been when Pravin Gordhan took over from Trevor Manuel as minister of finance in May 2009.
The difficulty of a return to the Zimbabwe dollar
South Africans often ask how Zimbabwe was able to adopt the dollar as its official currency and, conversely, how it could re-establish its own currency. The answers begin with an understanding of what money actually is.
New head for Grahamstown Foundation
Professor Geoffrey Antrobus was recently elected as Chairman of the Grahamstown Foundation Council.
Why plans to legalise rhino-horn trade will fail
A recent study in Vietnam, sponsored by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), reveals that demand for rhino horn may be much larger than previously thought. It shows that, in addition to consumers of rhino horn, there is a large group of "intenders" — people who intend to buy rhino horn when they can afford it.
Simplified pension tax on the way
It has always been easy to set examinations designed to fail Tax 101 students: simply test the tax deductions on employer and employee contributions to pension, provident and retirement annuity funds.
Rising household debt limits growth possibilities
Economies grow over time when more people are employed or there is an increase in the number of machines, factories and supporting infrastructure used by workers.
The need for a part-time MBA in RSA today
It is now four years since the depths of the global credit crunch. The rot may have been checked but world prosperity seems to still be a long way off.
SA needs wages accord to avert more jobs cuts
Thanks to our strong banking sector, South Africa’s financial system was largely unaffected by the 2008 global financial crisis. Yet the crisis severely battered our economic growth performance and employment levels.
Who heads the Fed matters for our economy too
The chairmanship of the US Federal Reserve has been described as the most powerful financial position in the world, so it is not surprising that whenever the position is to be filled, considerable attention is paid to possible candidates and their likely approaches to monetary policy in the world’s largest economy.
Investec Rhodes Top 100 celebrates 10 years at awards ceremony
Investec Rhodes Top 100 recently celebrated its 10th-year anniversary with a night of inspiration, hope and honour.
Allan Gray Achievement Awards recognise Rhodes University bright sparks
Rhodes University, in collaboration with Allan Gray, recently hosted the Allan Gray Academic Achievement Awards Ceremony during which the top achievers in certain courses that may be taken in degrees offered by the University’s Faculties of Commerce, Science and Humanities were celebrated and awarded prizes.
Postgraduates share economics research
The 2019 Rhodes University Department of Economics Postgraduate Conference was held on 4 and 5 October at the Barratt Lecture Theatre.
Prof Lilla's rare gifts of wisdom and inspiration
Homage was recently paid to Prof EM Stack (Lilla) at a ceremony held at the University of Pretoria (UP).
Rhodes University honours late alumnus, philanthropist, Allan Gray
The Rhodes University community is deeply saddened by the passing of Dr Allan William Buchanan Gray. We extend our heartfelt condolences to his wife, Gill, daughter Jennifer, and his two sons, William and Trevor.
Rhodes University assists grade 11 pupil to realise research dream
Rhodes University academics are assisting grade 11 Stutterheim High School pupil, Konwaba Putsu, to realise his dream.
Rhodes University assists grade 11 pupil to realise research dream
Rhodes University academics are assisting grade 11 Stutterheim High School pupil, Konwaba Putsu, to realise his dream. The 17-year-old Konwaba has aspirations of discovering what can be done to stop cancer from spreading in the body.
Rhodes University produces much-needed hand sanitiser for the province
In the wake of the novel coronavirus (bbin宝盈集团), where hand washing is one of the ways to avoid contracting the virus, South Africa is currently experiencing a nationwide shortage of hand sanitiser. In response to this dire need, a team of Rhodes University scientists has set up a lab to produce hand sanitiser.
Accounting class of 2020 more than doubles previous ITC pass rate
Rhodes University’s Department of Accounting has turned the corner at this year’s Initial Test of Competence (ITC) set by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA). The
New data on the e-levy in Ghana: unpopular tax on mobile money transfers is hitting the poor hardest
Ghana’s introduction of a a 1.5% tax on mobile money transactions in May 2022 has been watched closely by policymakers across Africa. The proponents of the electronic transaction levy (e-levy) argue that taxes on mobile money — commonly referred to in Ghana as MoMo — present an opportunity for cash-strapped governments to raise funds in the complex post-pandemic context.
Rhodes University Accounting class of 2020 reach for the stars as they achieve 94% ITC pass rate
Rhodes University’s Department of Accounting has achieved an impressive 94% pass rate in this year’s Initial Test of Competence (ITC) set by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA).
Rhodes University commerce alumna steps up as first woman CFO for Mercedes-Benz SA
Rhodes University commerce alumna Taryn Woodbridge has recently been appointed the first-ever woman Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Executive Director: bbin宝盈集团 and Controlling of Mercedes-Benz South Africa (MBSA).
Rhodes University distinguished academic becomes an honorary fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Rhodes University’s Director of the DST Institute for Nanotechnology Innovation, Distinguished Professor Tebello Nyokong, has been named an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Rhodes University running a successful nGAP programme
The New Generation of Academics Programme (nGAP) is Department of Higher Education’s national initiative forming part of the Staffing South Africa University Framework.
What does it take to be an ethical leader? 2021 Distinguished Alumni Award recipient Unathi Kamlana and Dr Sizwe Mabizela discuss
Leadership across the globe faces a crisis. Those meant to guide us through historical changes and challenges are failing. But this is not without exception. In August this year, the Old Rhodian Union Committee awarded four Distinguished Alumni Awards to outstanding University alumni, one of whom is the newly appointed Financial Sector Conduct Authority Commissioner, Mr Unathi Kamlana.