

Local twins ‘master’ it at Rhodes

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Local twins ‘master’ it at Rhodes
Local twins ‘master’ it at Rhodes

East London twins Jakub and Sebastian Kosiorek yesterday received their masters degrees from Rhodes University.

Rhodes was the logical choice for the Kosiorek brothers. They said the proximity between home and study allowed for maintaining close family ties, and cut the costs of transport and housing – and even a reduction in tuition fees.

Sebastian said that when it came to picking Rhodes, other than it being “close to home”, he and his brother liked the fact that the university was “well recognised” and offered the courses they were interested in.

The former Selborne College pupils said they were inspired by their mother, who is an accountant, to pursue degrees in accounting and economics.

Sebastian received a masters of commerce in financial markets and Jakub graduated with a masters of commerce in taxation this year.

Both started off in accounting but Sebastian found that his passion lay in economics, saying that he preferred the broader and theoretical field of economics to the more practical accounting.

Jakub and Sebastian have been studying at Rhodes for seven years and although Jakub said it had been great to study with his sibling overall, he admitted the experience had not been free from bumps, which he put down to what “siblings often tend to do”.

The support of a sibling, however, was ultimately priceless, especially when the going got tough, said Sebastian.

“Looking after one another is a start, whether you’re doing the same subjects or not.”

It was when tests, assignments and exams piled up that the support was most needed and most welcomed, said Sebastian.

Jakub found that studying with a sibling also give him a broader perspective.

“He was another source of information and point of view with regards to subjects that we studied,” he said of his brother, Sebastian.

Sebastian said the most challenging aspect of their fields of study was the fact that maths was not something to be swotted the day before a test.

He said it had to be consistently learnt and practiced or else you risked “falling behind”.

The brothers are already looking to the future, with Jakub in the midst of the three years of articles needed in order to become a charted accountant.

Sebastian said that while the thought of going for a doctorate (Phd) was an “interesting” prospect, he would prefer to get practical experience first in banking or the stock market, adding that while the stock markets might be “high stress” it would be “interesting and a challenge”.

The twins said they were sadly unable to attend the graduation ceremony yesterday due to prior commitments.
