

Limerick exchange student attains MCom from Rhodes

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 KBS’s Dean, Dr Philip O'Regan, with Edward Horn and other Rhodes exchange students
KBS’s Dean, Dr Philip O'Regan, with Edward Horn and other Rhodes exchange students

By Sean McCabe

Edward Horn received his MCom from Rhodes University last week after a three and a half-month stint at Kemmy Business School of Limerick University in Ireland.

Horn, who is originally from Wellington, Western Cape, found that the months he spent in Ireland helped him get his MCom degree. By the end of his tenure at the Kemmy Business School, in December 2016, Horn had completed part of his Master’s coursework.

His time at Limerick University, Horn found, aided his development as both a scholar and an individual. “It provided me with an opportunity to experience different approaches to learning and postgraduate study,” he said.

Horn’s time in Ireland was made possible because of an exchange programme between Rhodes and Limerick University, called the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility programme, which assists students and staff to study at Higher Education Institutions in Europe. In Horn’s case, the programme allowed him the chance to study Taxation modules which were credited to his Rhodes University degree.

To get involved in this exchange programme; students are encouraged to enquire with their supervisors, contact the Erasmus + international office, or as Horn advised, “Look out for advertisements on notice boards and social media.”

Horn explained his reasons for going overseas extended beyond the academic; he was looking to learn about a new culture. “I wanted to live and study abroad, travel, meet fellow scholars from across the world and to learn a new language and culture.”

Not only was the exchange an academically enlightening experience, but Horn acquired several interpersonal skills. “I learned some basic Gaelic and the figured out how to adapt in a foreign country.”

Currently, Horn is teaching Taxation in the Department of Accounting at Rhodes University, while considering further interesting avenues of study.