

Commerce awards four gifted learners

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RU Open Day 2019
RU Open Day 2019

Commerce awards four gifted learners

During Rhodes University’s Open Day, which took place on 10 May this year, the Commerce Faculty awarded four bright learners with their own solar-powered battery pack.

More than 500 Grade 11 and 12 learners attended Open Day this year, some as far as Umtata, which was a significant increase in number from 2018. The aim of Open Day is to show potential students what the University has on offer from its diverse faculties – Commerce, Science, Pharmacy, Humanities, Education and Law.

The day-long event started at Barratt Lecture Theatre Complex with a welcome address from Rhodes University’s Vice-Chancellor, Dr Sizwe Mabizela.

“On behalf of our students and staff, welcome to Rhodes University. You can rest assured that you are making the right choice for your studies. You have selected a quality institution and have taken an essential step towards achieving your personal aspirations,” he said.

After his address, each Dean of Faculty had an opportunity to speak to the specifics of their Faculty, in order to further inspire learners.

After morning tea, the learners were divided into their chosen Faculty, and taken to the Faculty site by the Faculty Ambassadors. Ninety learners joined the Commerce Faculty to hear more about the world of Commerce.

Each of the Commerce departments – Accounting, Economics, Management, Information Systems and The Rhodes Business School – presented on the Faculty theme of a solar panel start up business.

Once all departments had presented how their respective disciplines contribute towards a successful business, the learners were divided into teams of 4 and were tested via an online quiz about the day’s presentations, with members of the top team each winning a solar-powered battery pack.

Congratulations to Zethu Yibe, Aphelele Twalo, Nosibusisu Spayile and Tyler Bovey for getting top marks! Commerce looks forward to accepting you into the Rhodes University family soon.