
Rhodes>Teaching and Learning>ESU>Science>Entrance Requirements

Entrance Requirements

To enter the Science Extended Studies Programme (SESP) students should have at least 32 points based on the National Senior Certificate code ratings.  Further requirements are English Language (as a home or additional language), Mathematics and either Life Sciences or Physical Sciences, all at a rating of 4 or above.  Students must also be South African citizens and preference is given to students who are first generation university entrants from lower socio-economic backgrounds.  Although we welcome students come from all parts of South Africa, the majority do come from the Eastern Cape Province. 

Provisional admission is based either on final Grade 11 or mid-year Grade 12 results. However these offers are conditional on the final NSC results meeting the University requirements. Students are placed in the Extended Studies Programme at the discretion of the Dean of Science who considers the student’s long-term best interests.

Last Modified: Tue, 30 May 2017 12:27:05 SAST