
Rhodes>Teaching and Learning>ESU>Science>bbin宝盈集团 ES Science

bbin宝盈集团 ES Science

The Science Extended Studies Programme (at Rhodes) is one in which selected students are given the opportunity to extend a 3-year BSc to a 4-year BSc to help them succeed at University.  These selected students receive additional academic (in the form of tailored courses) as well as social (through a mentoring programme) support during their first year.

During the first year of the extended BSc, students take three tailor-made courses. These are Mathematics Literacy (MAT 1L), Computer Skills for the Sciences (CSC 1S) and Introduction to Science Concepts and Methods (ISCM). Maths Literacy is currently offered by the Pure and Applied Mathematics department. Computer Skills for Science is an in-house course presented by staff of the Extended Studies Unit. Introduction to Science Concepts and Methods is a multi-disciplinary course presented partially by staff of the Extended Studies Unit and partially by staff of departments in the Science Faculty. During their second academic year, students will take three first year subjects. In their third and fourth academic years, students specialise and study their “major” subjects. Students may, at any level, call upon Extended Studies staff for assistance and advice if required.

Last Modified: Tue, 30 May 2017 12:27:48 SAST