

Drostdy Hall is truly International

As Drostdy Hall we saw the International Parade as a platform to allow for the personification of our Hall values.  These are namely; excellence, balance, integrity and most importantly in this respect community.  

The underlying theme for all four residences was picking an Island country symbolising the unity in the Hall.   Allan Gray were the Bahamas, Prince Alfred were Mauritius, Graham house were Seychelles and Celeste represented Australia.   

In anticipation for the day, colourful and well thought- out displays were made and put up in the dining hall.  The displays illustrated were the country was located, any special attributes and interesting features of the country along with any other information that was seen as important. Prince Alfred who have a student from Mauritius had traditional Mauritian food for the res made and a first-hand briefing about the country.

The International Parade started early on a Saturday morning on a very cold and wet day.  Although the weather was not very encouraging, the ladies and gentlemen of the Hall were ready and enthusiastic as ever.  
A lot of students dressed up and got involved despite the rain and actually embraced it by dancing and singing in the rain.  The Graham Gents were dressed in hoodies and board shorts, to fit the beach attire associated with the chosen country, the Seychelles.  

A team of avid braaiers prepared food for the entire hall.  Some of the Allan Gray girls helped make and sell boerewors rolls for the Oppi students, thus using the event not only to participate, but also raise funds for the Hall.  

On the downside, we did not have 100% attendance as we would have hoped for.  Some of our students only came for the food and it was difficult to prepare the food in the pouring rain with no alternatives given. A general highlight from us was seeing students who aren't usually interested in being involved now taking part in the parade, it was nice to see that they had found something that they really wanted to do.
Drostdy Hall had a great turn out, and was by far the largest number in attendance.  

It helped with hall unity because it made us feel proud to be a part of it together with the other houses.  The cold weather could not dampen our spirits as we watched the Marimba players and enjoyed our food.  The International Parade was a huge success despite the sullen weather and all had a tremendous day.

Article by Audrey