NEIL AGGETT LABOUR STUDIES UNIT (NALSU): Annual Neil Aggett Labour Studies Lecture: Professor Lloyd Sachikonye: "The Labour Movement and Struggles for Democracy and Livelihoods in Zimbabwe"
Despite claims that workers' movements are fading away, they remain one of the largest in civil society worldwide, including in Africa, and central to struggles for dignity, rights, and equality. In a year when 64 countries are holding parliamentary elections – including dramatic developments in South Africa – and old certainties crumble, esteemed scholar Lloyd Sachikonye examines the Zimbabwean experience. Zimbabwe's unions have been central to struggles for democracy and livelihoods over the past 30 years. They have spearheaded struggles against neo-liberal economic adjustment and an authoritarian party-state, in a country suffering multiple, prolonged crises.
NALSU NEWS: Labour studies podcast/video: Launch of Danelle van Zyl-Hermann, 2023, Privileged Precariat: White Workers and South Africa's Long Transition to Majority Rule.
The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) Press, the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) at Rhodes University, the University of the Free State (UFS), and the University of Basel in Switzerland, recently launched the southern African edition of this important book, which contributes new insights from the Global South to debates on race and class in the neo-liberal era.
NALSU NEWS: Labour Studies podcast/video: Anusa Daimon, Chitja Twala, Lucien van der Walt launch "Labour Struggles in Southern Africa 1919-1949: New Perspectives on the Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union (ICU)"
The Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) and the Vuyisile Mini Workers School, in in partnership with HSRC Press, were proud to recently launch "Labour Struggles in Southern Africa 1919-1949: New Perspectives on the Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union (ICU)." This collection provides fresh perspectives on the ICU, which was by far the largest black political organisation in southern Africa before the 1940s, active in six countries and in global trade union networks, and lasted into the 1950s.
(Re)conceptualizing Poverty and Informal Employment: "Faculti" interviews Prof Mike Rogan
Mike was interviewed by ‘Faculti’ which is an international streaming platform which aims to promote access to recent research in an accessible format. The target audience is researchers, students and policymakers and the format is a sort of ‘video podcast’:
NALSU Seminar & Webinar: Lincoln Addison, Memorial University in Canada: “Chiefs of the Plantation: Authority and Contestation on the South Africa-Zimbabwe Border"
How have labour relations changed in South African agriculture since the end of apartheid? Drawing on ethnographic research on a plantation located along the South Africa-Zimbabwe border, I argue that labour control hinges upon a delegation of authority from white land owners to black Zimbabwean managers. These labour relations facilitate intensive fruit production, but also enable lower-ranking migrant workers to access natural resources, steal plantation property and contest piece rates.
NALSU mourns Zarina Patel, Kenyan human rights, working-class champion, historian, friend
The Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) at Rhodes University, South Africa, is sorrowed by the passing of Kenya's remarkable champion of human rights, writer, and artist, Zarina Patel at the age of 88. Zarina was managing editor of "AwaaZ" magazine in Nairobi, Kenya, which is online here, and author, including of "Unquiet," the biography of the founder of radical trade unionism in East Africa, Makhan Singh. During her lifetime, she was honoured, but was always a humble and kindly person, believing that "principle, commitment, honesty and sacrifice are not just utopian ideals but are possible, and, in fact, essential."
Zarina Patel & Lucien van der Walt (eds.), 2022, "Building African Working-Class Unity: The Makhan Singh Memorial Lectures," Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU), Rhodes University, South Africa/ AwaaZ magazine, Kenya.
NALSU NEWS: Labour Studies Podcast/Video: Andrew Murray | "Why has South Africa's Industrial Policy Failed to Halt Deindustrialisation and Transform the Economy?"
Labour Studies podcast/video: Andrew Murray, "Why has South Africa's Industrial Policy Failed to Halt Deindustrialisation and Transform the Economy?"
Lucien van der Walt 6 March 2024, Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU), personal reflections: Eddie Webster has left us.
The hole in the world that he left is large indeed. He passed away yesterday of a heart attack, at the age of 81. More than anyone else, Eddie Webster remade the field of industrial sociology in South Africa, but his impact was not just in academia, but in the workers' movement, and not just here in South Africa, but globally.
Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU): Ayanda Kota (1976-2024), the world is poorer with your passing
Ayanda Kota passed away this morning, Thursday 22 February.
BOOK LAUNCH SEMINAR & WEBINAR: "Labour Struggles in Southern Africa 1919-1949: New Perspectives on the Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union (ICU),"
NALSU, in partnership with HSRC Press, is proud to launch "Labour Struggles in Southern Africa 1919-1949: New Perspectives on the Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union (ICU)," Cape Town, HSRC Press, 308 pp. Co-edited by David Johnson, Noor Nieftagodien and Lucien van der Walt, contributors include Anusa Daimon, Henry Dee, Peter Limb, Tom Lodge, Sibongiseni Mkhize, Tshepo Moloi, Laurence Stewart, Chitja Twala, Nicole Ulrich and Elizabeth van Heyningen, with an unpublished paper by the late Phillip Bonner.
NEIL AGGETT LABOUR STUDIES UNIT (NALSU): Annual Neil Aggett Labour Studies Lecture: Andrew Murray, "Why has South Africa's Industrial Policy Failed to Halt Deindustrialisation and Transform the Economy?"
This Lecture examines the evolution of industrial policy in South Africa, and what can be done to save the manufacturing sector. Manufacturing has fallen from 19.3% of GDP in 1994 to just 11.8% in 2019, costing hundreds of thousands of jobs. Employment in textiles, leather products, footwear and clothing fell 50% from 2000 to 2019. The remnants of these former mainstays of the Eastern Cape are rustbelts, gutted factories and stranded working-classes. Factories had been built within the framework of import-substitution, but were not globally competitive; the country remained dependent on raw material exports. With the neo-liberal turn in the 1990s, protective tariffs fell from 28% in 1990 to 8.2% in 15 years. Factories and jobs were washed away by cheap imports.
NALSU NEWS: Labour Studies podcast/video: Kate Philip | Union-Based Workers' Cooperatives in Southern Africa: "Markets on the Margins: Mineworkers, Job Creation and Enterprise Development"
The mining industry has been at the core of capitalist South Africa. It has also been a site of cheap, oppressed labour. How do we get off the road of cheap labour, centralised capitalism and endemic rural poverty upon which we have been placed?
NALSU NEWS: Online book launch of Danelle van Zyl-Hermann, 2023, "Privileged Precariat: White Workers and South Africa's Long Transition to Majority Rule."
UKZN Press, in collaboration with the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) at Rhodes University, the University of the Free State (UFS), and the University of Basel in Switzerland, invite you to celebrate the publication of the Southern African edition of this important book by the University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN). Danelle will be in conversation with Jantjie Xaba (Stellenbosch University), Lucien van der Walt (NALSU) and Lindie Koorts (UFS).
NALSU Labour Studies podcast/video: Lucien van der Walt: "The History of Anarchism and Revolutionary Syndicalism in Africa”
NALSU's director, Prof Lucien van der Walt, recently presented an overview of the history of anarchism and revolutionary syndicalism in Africa, focusing on two main phases: the 1860s-1930s, and the 1980s to the present.
NALSU News: New MOOC (Massive Open Online Course): "Decent work and economic growth: Achieving SDG 8" Mike Rogan (NALSU)
NALSU NEWS: NALSU’s Prof Mike Rogan recently filmed a series of lectures as part of a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) exploring a number of key themes related to Sustainable Development Goal #8. The course is hosted by the United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) and aims to shed light on policy interventions that can support sustainable and equitable economic development while creating opportunities for decent work.
NALSU Labour Studies podcast/video: Bill Freund: "Twentieth-Century South Africa: A Developmental History"
The twentieth century has brought considerable political, social, and economic change for South Africa. While many would choose to focus only on the issues of race, segregation and apartheid, this book tries to capture another facet: its drive towards modernisation and industrialisation.
NALSU NEWS "The Beginnings of Left Ideology in Kenya" by Zarina Patel (AwaaZ, Kenya) & Lucien van der Walt (NALSU, South Africa)
In this article, Zarina Patel, managing editor of "AwaaZ" magazine in Kenya, and Lucien van der Walt of the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU), Rhodes University, South Africa, explore the history of anti-capitalist left in East Africa. It traces the story to the 1910s, with the impact of the Ghadar Party, the influences upon which included anarchism/ syndicalism; the rise of the unions from the 1910s; and the impact of Marxism and the USSR. Most accounts of Kenyan resistance focus on the nationalists who took office at independence: this piece sheds light on another side of the story.
NALSU Labour Studies podcast/video: Frederick Fourie: "The South African Informal Sector: Creating Jobs, Reducing Poverty"
While the informal sector is the "forgotten" sector in many ways, it provides livelihoods, employment and income for about 2.5 million workers and business owners. One in every six South Africans who work, work in the informal sector. Almost half of these work in firms with employees; these firms provide about 8500 000 paid jobs - almost twice direct employment in the mining sector.
NALSU Labour Studies podcast/video: Jacklyn Cock: "Writing the Ancestral River: A biography of the Kowie"
"Writing the Ancestral River" is an illuminating biography of the Kowie River in the Eastern Cape. This tidal river runs through a formative meeting ground of peoples who have shaped South Africa’s history: Khoikhoi herders, Xhosa pastoralists, Dutch trekboers and British settlers.
NALSU Labour Studies podcast/video: Alejandro Nadal: "From Micro to Macroeconomics for Sustainability: The Delusion of Micro-foundations"
The premise that markets are well behaved and coverage equilibrium continues to dominate macroeconomic theory and policy-making. Macroeconomic models not derived from explicit utility or wealth-maximising assumptions and rational expectations are considered inadmissible. this approach not only limits the possibility of deriving results with involuntary unemployment.
NALSU NEWS: Labour Studies Podcast/Video: Dr John Reynolds' "Development Planning in South Africa: Provincial Policy and State Power in the Eastern Cape"
The Labour Studies Seminar Series, in partnership with Zedd Books, will launch "Development planning in South Africa: Provincial policy and state power in the Eastern Cape," by Dr John Reynolds.
NALSU NEWS: "Precarious Work and the Gendered Individualisation of Risk in the South African Manufacturing Sector, 2002–2017" Siviwe Mhlana, Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit
Against the backdrop of mass unemployment, Siviwe uses her recent publication, "Precarious Work and the Gendered Individualisation of Risk in the South African Manufacturing Sector, 2002–2017", to examine changes in labour-intensive production and the gendered individualisation of risk associated with informal / precarious employment under neo-liberalism.
NALSU News: NALSU's Mike Rogan invited as subject expert to 2023 Patna Summit of "Labour 20"/ L20"
Mike Rogan (Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit/ NALSU) was an invited delegate and subject expert at the 2023 Patna Summit of the "Labour 20"/ L20, held on the 22-23 June in Patna, India.
NALSU NEWS: Greek publication video/podcast of NALSU's Prof Lucien van der Walt's "Breaking the Chains: A History of Anarchism"
"Breaking the Chains" is the first complete book by Lucien van der Walt to be translated into Greek. Written in a popular style, it presents a global history of the anarchist movement and its offshoot, revolutionary syndicalism. A global perspective shows the profound influence of the libertarian current on labour, left, popular and anti-imperialist struggles since the 1860s to the present. It dispels the myth that the broad anarchist tradition was just a minor footnote in working-class and popular movements. The Greek edition of "Breaking the Chains" includes a new introduction. It was launched by the grassroots syndicalist union, ESE [] in Athens, Greece, at Café Locomotiva, on 9 December 2022, with a second launch at the Athens School of Philosophy, on 27 April 2023. Lucien is based at the Neil Aggett Labour studies Unit (NALSU), South Africa
NALSU congratulates Dr Mattie Webb for passing her PhD dissertation defence!
NALSU NEWS: Congratulations to Mattie Webb from the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) team!
NALSU Labour Studies podcast/video: Sonwabile Mnwana | "Who Owns the Land, Who Owns the Platinum? Conflict and Contested Meanings of Land and Mineral Wealth in Rural South Africa?"
The 'platinum belt' - a vast stretch of platinum-rich land in South Africa's North West and Limpopo provinces - has been marked by a rapid expansion of mining over the last two decades. Platinum has increasingly displaced gold as an employer and as a part of crucial mining sector. But the platinum belt is largely located in the old 'homelands, ' on 'communal' land controlled by 'traditional' authorities (chiefs). These 'tribal' authorities lease mining rights and land to large private corporations in return for payments. Large mines operate amidst impoverished villages in overcrowded areas, where generations of dispossessed and impoverished African families have eked out a precarious existence through farming and other strategies.
NALSU News: "Exploring a fairer and more inclusive social protection paradigm for the world's informal workers." Laura Alfers, Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit
In this short blog post, Laura Alfers (NALSU and WIEGO) and Florian Juergens (WIEGO) explore a fairer and more inclusive social protection paradigm for the world's informal workers. This blog was published on an online member-based knowledge sharing and capacity building platform, To read the full article online, visit
NALSU Labour Studies podcast/video: Professor Lucien van der Walt | “Radical Encounters: Christianity, Garveyism and Revolutionary Syndicalism in the Industrial & Commercial Workers Union of Africa, 1919-1939”
Founded 1919 in Cape Town, the Industrial and Commercial Workers Union (ICU) exploded across southern Africa. The first mass black/ Coloured movement -- with 200,000 members across Eswatini, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe -- it overshadowed bodies like the African National Congress (ANC), Communist Party of SA and the Southern Rhodesia Bantu Voters’ Association. The ICU dominated African politics for years, drew tens of thousands including women into politics, helped forge a popular counter-public, mobilised in communities and rural areas, and promised land and freedom through a general strike. This paper focuses on the ICU's complex, syncretic politics, especially Christian, Garveyite and revolutionary syndicalist influences.
NALSU News: "Understanding Eskom's crisis: The solution is not the state, but people's power": Lucien van der Walt, Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit
ESKOM’s ongoing crisis is a huge strain on working and poor people in South Africa. It affects everything from child-care to access to education and jobs, to safety. How we understand the crisis has deep implications for the solutions – and where the working-class movement should position itself. The blame lies in a toxic mixture of state failure, and neo-liberal measures. The solution does not lie in more state interventions, but in working-class struggles to expand popular and community control over the power sector, and to decentralise it where possible. ESKOM is now literally a national disaster. It is important to think of concrete actions that can defend the class, but also build an independent popular movement for jobs, dignity and self-management.
NALSU Labour Studies podcast/video: Professor Michael Rogan | “Social Security for Africa's Informal Sector? Evidence and Lessons from a High Tax / Low Protection System in Ghana."
In the wake of COVID-19, low- and middle-income countries face the challenge of increasing domestic resources while improving social protection. These are especially acute where countries have large informal economies, and in which many workers are employed. There are widespread debates on taxation and social protection, including grants, and the informal sector, but little empirical work. Using new, representative data on informal sector operators in Accra, Ghana, this paper contributes novel evidence on the extent to which informal sector workers in Accra have access to social protection, and to COVID-19 relief programmes. It also explores the tax burdens of informal workers. Most, it turns out, are not covered by social protection beyond national health insurance, yet all pay a wide range of taxes and fees to government, in a regressive system that falls hardest on the poorest.
NALSU Labour Studies podcast/video: Dr Robert Ovetz | “Using a Workers’ Inquiry to Organise at Critical Choke Points"
Engaging in what Karl Marx called a workers' inquiry, workers and militant co-researchers are studying how workers are organised (the working class composition), how capital is organized (the technical composition of capital), and how workers can recompose their own power by devising new tactics, strategies, organisational forms, and objectives. A workers’ inquiry can help workers identify and organise at vulnerable choke points in the local, national and global supply chain.
NALSU SEMINAR & WEBINAR: Wednesday 10 May 2023 4pm. Michael Rogan: “Social Security for Africa's Informal Sector? Evidence and Lessons from a High Tax / Low Protection System in Ghana"
In the wake of COVID-19, low- and middle-income countries face the challenge of increasing domestic resources while improving social protection. These are especially acute where countries have large informal economies, and in which many workers are employed. There are widespread debates on taxation and social protection, including grants, and the informal sector, but little empirical work. Using new, representative data on informal sector operators in Accra, Ghana, this paper contributes novel evidence on the extent to which informal sector workers in Accra have access to social protection, and to COVID-19 relief programmes.
NALSU Webinar: Wednseday 26 April, 2023 @4pm, Robert Ovetz, University of California Berkeley and San José State University: “Using a Workers’ Inquiry to Organise at Critical Choke Points"
Engaging in what Karl Marx called a workers' inquiry, workers and militant co-researchers are studying how workers are organised (the working class composition), how capital is organized (the technical composition of capital), and how workers can recompose their own power by devising new tactics, strategies, organisational forms, and objectives. A workers’ inquiry can help workers identify and organise at vulnerable choke points in the local, national and global supply chain. Drawing on case studies in his book "Workers' Inquiry and Global Class Struggle: Strategies, Tactics, Objectives" (Pluto Press, 2020), Robert Ovetz will discuss how workers' inquiries can be an invaluable tool organise, take on the boss, re-energise unions, bypass unions altogether and innovate new forms of workers' organisations that can further the class struggle.
NALSU Labour Studies podcast/video: Eddie Webster | Re-Casting the Power of Labour: Working in the Shadow of the Digital Age (Neil Aggett Labour Studies Lecture)
There is a widespread view that labour, as a counter-hegemonic force, has come to an end. There is a lot going for these arguments; there is no question that there has been a decline of union membership and density in the Global North.
NALSU Annual Neil Aggett Labour Studies Lecture/ Webinar: Wednesday 2 Nov. 2022, @ 4pm, Eddie Webster, SCIS, "Re-Casting the Power of Labour: Working in the Shadow of the Digital Age"
NEIL AGGETT LABOUR STUDIES UNIT (NALSU): Annual Neil Aggett Labour Studies Lecture, Rhodes University, South Africa
Siviwe Mhlana: invited panelist at the annual Rethinking Economics for Africa (REFA) Festival
Siviwe Mhlana spoke as an invited panelist at the annual Rethinking Economics for Africa (REFA) Festival
NALSU Seminar/Webinar :Mattie Webb, University of California: "Beyond the Workplace: Black Workers' Internationalism and Union Struggles against Apartheid in American Multi-Nationals"
SEMINAR & WEBINAR: Tuesday , 18 October 2022 4pm, at Eden Grove Blue and online via Zoom (details below). ALL WELCOME. FINGER FOOD (VENUE). THE PAPER: Studies of trade unionists in the global anti-apartheid movement centre the role of South Africans in advocating for worker rights. However, workers remain largely absent from histories of the foreign policy of American corporations operating in South Africa.
Laura Alfers Seminar/Webinar YouTube Upload for launch, talk: “Social Contracts and Informal Workers in the Global South"
If you missed Dr Laura Alfers seminar webinar for the launch of the (freely downloadable) edited book collection Social Contracts and Informal Workers in the Global South, you can catch the recorded version of it on the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit YouTube channel.
The Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) team congratulates David Fryer for major teaching award
The NALSU team would like to congratulate Mr David Fryer, a NALSU stalwart, on giving the recent Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award Lecture at Rhodes university, Makahnda, South Africa. David's lecture on the 20th September addressed "Teaching, Learning and Contextualising Economics in a Transforming Society: Unlocking Potential at the Undergraduate Level."
BOOK LAUNCH SEMINAR & WEBINAR SPEAKER AND TOPIC: Dr Laura Alfers, WIEGO & NALSU: “Social Contracts and Informal Workers in the Global South”
THE BOOK: In a context where calls for a new social contract abound, “Social Contracts and Informal Workers in the Global South” focuses on workers in the informal economy, who represent over 60 per cent of the global workforce, to advocate for radically new conceptualisations of state-society, capital-labour and state-capital-labour relations. Bridging social contract theories, both mainstream and critical, with cross-national evidence and case studies, this book sheds light on how many existing social contract models stigmatize informal workers and are irrelevant, inadequate and unjust. Instead of ideologically driven top-down calls to revitalise social contracts, it advocates for bottom-up initiatives focused on the demands of the working poor in the informal economy.
NALSU's Dr Lali Naidoo addresses Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on the living and working conditions of farm workers and -dwellers
Speaking in Gqeberha (Port Elizabeth), Dr Lali Naidoo reported that workers in the commercial farming sector in the Eastern Cape remain largely unorganised, low-wage and unprotected. The same pattern is true, more generally, across South Africa. Workers were employed in a secondary, and highly segmented, labour market, with weak labour market policies and social protections. Dr Naidoo, a member of the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU), was addressing the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on the living and working conditions of farm workers and -dwellers.
NALSU & Organising Women Workers in Women's Month
Over Women's Month in August, the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU), Rhodes University, worked with partners to run two key workshops as part of its workers' education project for improving access to social protection. The first workshop, held in Johannesburg, was run in collaboration with WIEGO's Basadi Buwang ("Women Speak Out") programme. It aimed at working with participants to understand the root causes of women's exploitation, to identify the challenges that women face when raising their voices within their own worker organisations, and to reflect on the future work of the programme. Attendees included the Tshwane Barekisi Forum, the Johannesburg Informal Traders Platform, and the African Reclaimers Organisation. "WIEGO" is the Women in Informal Employment: Globalising and Organising (WIEGO) project, with which NALSU has close ties.
Lucien van der Walt, NALSU, Rhodes: “Radical Encounters: Christianity, Garveyism and Revolutionary Syndicalism in the Industrial & Commercial Workers Union of Africa, 1919-1939”
SPEAKER AND TOPIC: Lucien van der Walt, NALSU, Rhodes: “Radical Encounters: Christianity, Garveyism and Revolutionary Syndicalism in the Industrial & Commercial Workers Union of Africa, 1919-1939”
The Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) team congratulates Siviwe Mhlana
The NALSU team would like to congratulate Ms. Siviwe Mhlana, who has been awarded a full scholarship to pursue her PhD in Economics at the University of London's School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS).
Prof Lucien van der Walt, NALSU, addresses Makukhanye Rural Movement: "The Current Conjuncture and the Broad Working-Class"
Professor Lucien van der Walt, director of the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) at Rhodes University, was an invited speaker at the recent strategy workshop of the Makukhanye Rural Movement. Lucien spoke on "The Current Conjuncture and the Broad Working-Class." The event was held with the Khanyisa Educational and Development Trust, and took place in Gqeberha (Port Elizabeth) on Saturday 23 July 2022. It was attended by Makukhanye members - farm-workers, farm-dwellers and peasant farmers - and Khanyisa staff.
NALSU's Prof Mike Rogan on "COVID-19 Crisis, the Informal Economy and Workers," WIEGO global survey
Professor Mike Rogan, member of the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) at Rhodes University, explores how the fallout of the pandemic including lockdowns affected informal workers’ income, working hours, and access to healthcare -- as well as their coping strategies, demands and the government responses.
NALSU Partners with UN Women and WIEGO to Support Informal Sector Workers’ Fight for Social Protection
The Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU), at Rhodes University, South Africa, is partnered with UN Women and Women in Informal Employment: Globalising and Organising WIEGO in a project to support organisations of workers in the informal economy to advocate for better access to social protection. The project, headed at Rhodes by NALSU's Dr Laura Alfers, builds on research on the impact of the COVID-19 crises on women working in the informal economy, which led to the WIEGO series of publications entitled Coping in Crisis: South African Workers Lives during COVID-19, which can be read here.
Neil Aggett Labour Studies Seminar/Webinar, Wed 20 July at 16:00pm. Reesha Kara, ISER Rhodes,"Non-Martial Fertility in South Africa: An Analysis of Trends & Socio-Economic Factors"
SEMINAR & WEBINAR: Wednesday, 20th July 2022 4pm, online via Zoom (details below) and Screening in Eden Grove Seminar Room 2
Young Workers and Unions: Prof Lucien van der Walt, NALSU, and Dr Alex Mashilo, SACP, Address SAMWU Young Workers
Professor Lucien van der Walt, director of the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) at Rhodes University, and Dr Alex Mashilo, national spokesperson of the South African Communist Party (SACP), addressed the South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) Young Workers on 28 June 2022. The topic: “Positioning Young Workers for their Rightful Place in the Economy, Politics and Labour Issues.” The full event can be watched here . Lucien’s slides can be downloaded here.
Working-class in Crisis: Siviwe Mhlana and David Francis in "Business Day"
NALSU's Siviwe Mhlana, and co-author David Francis, both at Wits University’s SCIS, unpack ,"a tragedy of vast proportions" . As jobs decline, precarity soars and manufacturing stutters.
"A New Social Contract Inclusive of Informal Workers" by Laura Alfers, Martha Chen and Sophie Plagerson
Informal workers have long lacked legal recognition: stigmatised and penalised, they are also excluded from collective bargaining and social contracts. Is something better possible ? NALSU's Dr Laura Alfers is co-author of a new UNU-WIDER working Paper entitled, "A New Social Contract Inclusive of Informal Workers, " which is available here .
The Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) is proud to announce the NALSU YouTube channel.
The official launch of the Oxford Handbook of the South African Economy was held online on the 6th of April 2022
The official launch of the Oxford Handbook of the South African Economy was held online on the 6th of April 2022.
NALSU Labour Studies Seminar and Webinar: Siviwe Mhlana: Southern Centre for Inequality Studies (SCIS). Reimagining the Global Economy: Alternative Visions for an Equitable and Sustainable Post-bbin宝盈集团 Economic Recovery
The COVID-19 pandemic has had significant implications on the global economy and on the lives and livelihoods of millions of people around the world
NALSU Labour Studies Seminar: Dr Mbuso Moyo, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES). Are Industrial Policies a Vehicle for Creating Sustainable Decent Jobs? Evidence from South Africa.
South Africa is a middle-income, semi-industrialised country, but its unemployment rate far exceeds comparable economies. Unemployment breached eight million in 2019, rose another million during the pandemic; 35 percent of the workforce was jobless in 2022. Mass unemployment dates from the 1970s, and is a major driver of poverty, erosion of the social fabric, and crime.
Rhodes University’s Nine Tenths Programme: closing the gap between township and university?
Mass unemployment and low-quality government services including schooling reflect, and reinforce, high levels of inequality and black working-class poverty in South Africa.
Domestic Workers UIF/COIDA Advocacy Workshop
From the 19 – 21 February 2022, the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit together with Women in Informal Employment: Globalising and Organizing (WIEGO), the South African Domestic Service and Allied Workers Union (SADSAWU), the Union of Domestic Workers of South Africa (UDWOSA) and Izwi Domestic Workers Alliance hosted the Domestic Workers UIF/COIDA Advocacy Workshop
NALSU Webinar "One Year On: The Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Workers in Cultural and Creative Industries in South Africa" - Jen Snowball (& Andre Gouws), SACO
Worldwide, COVID-19 lockdowns have hit the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) especially hard. Workers in the sector are especially vulnerable to lockdowns, as much of the work is face-to-face, many jobs are freelance and short-term, and in South Africa and elsewhere, there are high levels of informality.
Annual Neil Aggett Labour Studies Lecture, Rhodes University, South Africa
South Africa's labour movement has experienced a number of crises for several years, reflected in the fracturing and weakening of trade unions
NALSU Labour Studies Webinar: Thursday, 21 October 2021, Kanyiso Ntikinca Rhodes University, “Labour in Global Value Chains: Apples in South African agriculture"
Kanyiso Ntikinca Rhodes University, “Labour in Global Value Chains: Apples in South African agriculture"
National strikes: eNCA interviews NALSU director Prof Lucien van der Walt
Labour is on the march with mass strikes in South Africa this week. eNCA South Africa's "News Night" with Shahan Ramkissoon interviewed the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) director Prof van der Walt, Rhodes University, on these developments.
NALSU Labour Studies webinar 6 October @ 4 pm: Michael Rogan, Rhodes University “Same Storm, Different Boat: COVID-19, Precarity and the South African Labour Market"
Since the outset of the global pandemic, the ILO has warned of the disastrous impact of the crisis on informal workers (who make up roughly 60% of total employment globally). Unfortunately, these predictions have, to a large extent, been accurate. However, the impact of the crisis on different groups of informal workers has been uneven.
NALSU Labour Studies webinar 22 Sept @ 4 pm: Janet Cherry (NMU), “Worker‐Controlled Cooperatives and Community‐Controlled Renewable Energy”
The establishment of the Saltuba Energy Cooperative in Kwazakhele township will be discussed as an example of both emancipatory scholarship and prefigurative praxis. The Saltuba Cooperative was formed as part of a participatory action research project under the banner of the Transition Township project.
Research on South Africa’s Obesity Epidemic
Research on South Africa’s obesity epidemic published by Prof Mike Rogan and ISER Research Associate Steffen Otterbach was reported in the Daily Maverick this week.
NALSU Congratulates Dr Laura Alfers
Laura Alfers, has been invited to become a member of the Advisory Board of the International Social Security Review, for the period 2021-2022.
NALSU Podcast Announcement | David Fryer: Can We Ever Stop Talking Left and Walking Right? Diagnosing the economic debate in the age of Radical Economic Transformation
In this Labour Studies Podcast, David Fryer, Rhodes University, discusses "Can We Ever Stop Talking Left and Walking Right? Diagnosing the economic debate in the age of Radical Economic Transformation"
NALSU Podcast Announcement: Luke Sinwell & Siphiwe Mbatha | The Spirit of Marikana: The rise of insurgent unionism in South Africa
In this Labour Studies Podcast, Luke Sinwell, University of Johannesburg & Siphiwe Mbatha, Thembilihle Crisis Committee, discuss the working-class rebellion and power that shook the mines and withstood the Marikana massacre, with reference to their classic book, “The Spirit of Marikana: The Rise of Insurgent Unionism in South Africa.”
In this Labour Studies Podcast & YouTube Video, Pat Horn speaks on "Organised Workers in the Informal Economy"
In this Labour Studies Podcast & YouTube Video, Pat Horn speaks on "Organised Workers in the Informal Economy"
The Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) team congratulates Ms. Siviwe Mhlana
The Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) team congratulates Ms. Siviwe Mhlana on the award of her MA with distinction (cum laude) in Social Policy and Labour Studies.
NALSU Podcast Announcement: Labour Studies Podcast, Leroy Maisiri: "After Zuma: A Workers' Party for South Africa?"
In this Labour Studies Podcast, Leroy Maisiri discusses "After Zuma: A Workers' Party for South Africa?"
Toward a Better Deal for Informal Workers: A Paradigm Shift Post-COVID
Toward a Better Deal for Informal Workers: A Paradigm Shift Post-COVID
NALSU Labour Studies Podcast and YouTube video: Mametlwe Sebei: "Losing or Using the Crisis? Critical Reflections on South African Labour in the Great Lockdown”
NALSU Labour Studies Podcast and YouTube video: Mametlwe Sebei: "Losing or Using the Crisis? Critical Reflections on South African Labour in the Great Lockdown”
Link workers and residents: Prof Lucien van der Walt, NALSU director, addresses SAMWU conference
Link workers and residents: Prof Lucien van der Walt, NALSU director, addresses SAMWU conference
Informal Work in South Africa and COVID-19: Gendered Impacts and Priority Interventions
NALSU associates Dr. Laura Alfers and Professor Michael Rogan recently published a policy brief through their affiliation with WIEGO (Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing) and in collaboration with UNWomen’s South African country office.
NALSU Labour Studies Podcast Release: "Against Apartheid, For Civil Rights: Dockworkers and Social Justice Movements in Durban & San Francisco."
Dockworkers have enormous structural power, as they can disrupt the ports so vital to capitalist economies in their respective cities and countries -- and militant dockworkers have often exerted this power for overtly political ends.
NALSU Labour Studies Podcast, Andrew Lawrence discusses "Found in Translation: Understanding South Africa's Union Power."
In this Labour Studies Podcast, Andrew Lawrence discusses "Found in Translation: Understanding South Africa's Union Power."
Webinar: “Public Childcare: Essential for Gender Equality” (Josie Mpama Gender Equality Series)
Webinar: “Public Childcare: Essential for Gender Equality” (Josie Mpama Gender Equality Series)
NALSU Labour Studies Podcast: Mzwanele Mayekiso launches his journal "Ndivhuwo: Journal for Intellectual Engagement".
In this Labour Studies Podcast, Mzwanele Mayekiso launches his journal "Ndivhuwo: Journal for Intellectual Engagement".
Webinar: A Skills Partnership for Employment and Growth: From Current Engagement to Future Action
You are invited to a webinar hosted by the EU-funded Capacity Building Programme for Employment Promotion (CBPEP) taking place on Tuesday 10th November, 10:00 – 12:00.
NALSU Labour Studies Seminar Series: COVID-19 and the Working Class Movement in South Africa by Pat Horn
Veteran labour activist and feminist Pat Horn will speak about how organised workers in the informal economy fought for the ILO's 2014 rights-based Recommendation 204: the need for transitions from the informal to the formal economy.
Women, Informal Work & COVID-19
The current crisis has dealt the South African workforce more job losses and greater economic hardship.
NALSU Labour Studies Podcast, Sian Byrne discusses "Red, Black and Gold: FOSATU, South African 'Workerism,' 'Syndicalism' and the Nation."
NALSU Labour Studies Podcast, Sian Byrne discusses "Red, Black and Gold: FOSATU, South African 'Workerism,' 'Syndicalism' and the Nation."
Prof Lucien van der Walt spoke on "Working Class Heritage: The Creation of the Working Class and its Struggles in South Africa"
Prof Lucien van der Walt spoke on "Working Class Heritage: The Creation of the Working Class and its Struggles in South Africa"
Losing or Using the Crisis? Critical Reflections on South African Labour in the Great Lockdown
This webinar is part of a monthly series hosting labour activists on the theme of "COVID-19 and the Working Class Movement in South Africa."
Labour Studies Podcast: Now Playing: Prof Allison Drew: "Looking Comparatively at Communism in Twentieth-century Algeria and South Africa."
In this Labour Studies Podcast, Prof Allison Drew discusses "Looking Comparatively at Communism in Twentieth-century Algeria and South Africa."
NALSU’s Lucien van der Walt on "Building the union for the future: linking bottom-up workers education to union revitalisation" in Amandla magazine
NALSU director Prof Lucien van der Walt writes in the recent issue of Amandla magazine that discussions of workers’ education and union revitalisation are often framed in ways that pose the issues as simple organisational “fixes.” But the issue of workers’ education in union revitalisation poses the primary question: what is the aim
NALSU's Mike Rogan gives ISER webinar on the "The COVID-19 Crisis and the South African Informal Economy"
NALSU's Mike Rogan gives ISER webinar on the "The COVID-19 Crisis and the South African Informal Economy"
Support for women informal workers is urgent as pandemic unfolds in South Africa
Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, the International Labour Organisation predicted that measures to curb the spread of the disease would disproportionately affect women workers.
Labour Studies Podcast: Now Playing: Prof Peter Linebaugh: "Magna Carta Anniversary Lecture 'Liberties and Commons for All!' Reclaiming the Magna Carta from below 800 years later."
In this Labour Studies Podcast, Prof Peter Linebaugh discusses "Magna Carta Anniversary Lecture 'Liberties and Commons for All!' Reclaiming the Magna Carta from below 800 years later."
NALSU Launches Labour Studies Podcasts Series
The Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU), Rhodes University, is pleased to announce the launch of our Labour Studies Podcasts series.
The Informal Economy Revisited: Examining the Past, Envisioning the Future
Prof Michael Rogan and Dr Laura Alfers both contributed to the edited volume (Routledge), The Informal Economy Revisited: Examining the Past, Envisioning the Future
Evidence to mitigate the socio-economic impacts and promote recovery from COVID-19
M. Rogan, working with an international research network, was the successful co-author of a large research grant awarded by the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
Prof Rogan invited to panel to review the higher education, science, technology and innovation institutional landscape (HESTIIL)
M. Rogan has been invited to consult with Minister Nzimande’s panel to review the higher education, science, technology and innovation institutional landscape (HESTIIL) on 25 June 2020.
ODI at 60 Global Reset Dialogue Series
On June 15th, M. Rogan spoke as an invited panellist at an event that formed part of the ODI at 60 Global Reset Dialogue Series
Well done! NALSU Funded Students
Mr Shaka Bob, a NALSU masters bursary student and Ms Reesha Kara, who is the first NALSU PhD student, both who have done very well.
The ILO World Social Protection Report 2017–19: An Assessment: Laura Alfers & Rachel Moussié
The ILO World Social Protection Report 2017–19: An Assessment: Laura Alfers & Rachel Moussié
Transformation, stratification and higher education: exploring the absorption into employment of public financial aid beneficiaries across the South African higher education system’
This article, published in the international journal- Higher Education- is based on research commissioned by NSFAS in 2018.
WATCH VIDEO: Lucien van der Walt, 2020, "Critically Assessing Social Programmes to Mitigate COVID-19: Long march to rebuilding bottom-up, working class-led change in South Africa"
On 26 May 2020, NALSU director Professor Lucien van der Walt presented live in the South African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU)'s online #SAFTUWorkersConversations series, "Coronavirus and the Working Class."
The South African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU) and Zwelinzima Vavi will be in discussion with Professor Lucien van der Walt of the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU), Rhodes University, Makhanda
NALSU involved in national-level measures to protect informal workers in South Africa's COVID-19 crisis (statement 4 April 2020)
The VC of Rhodes University, Makhanda, Dr Sizwe Mabizela today thanked the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit's (NALSU's) Professor Mike Rogan for developing social welfare measures to cushion informal workers in the COVID-19 crisis.
Economists say more can be done to cushion blow of COVID-19
The Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) at Rhodes University, Makhanda, welcomes the measures being put in place by civil society and the state to contain the spread of COVID-19....
COVID-19 & Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU), South Africa: Social Justice Call, & Arrangements for our Work, Worker Education and Seminars
The Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) at Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa wishes all people safety and health in this difficult period.
2020 Labour Studies Seminar Series Programme is here!
The Labour Studies Seminar Series is a vibrant example of collegiality in action.
One-day workshop, all welcome: Rojava Speaking Tour: An Alternative for a World in Crisis: The Rojava Revolution, Kurdish Freedom Movement and Prospects for South Africa’s Incomplete Liberation
The Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU), in partnership with the International Labour Research and Information Group (ILRIG), is proud to present a one-day workshop in Makhanda: "An Alternative for a World in Crisis: The Rojava Revolution, Kurdish Freedom Movement and Prospects for South Africa’s Incomplete Liberation."
New publication: Labour Studies: Working Class Education Series: “Strategy: Debating Politics Within and At a Distance from the State
What are the routes for societal transformation? What are the possibilities for the exercise of working class political agency? Should we organise through or in partnership with the state, including through parties? Or should we build working class counter-power outside and against the state?
The life and legacy of Dr Neil Aggett
Professor Lucien van der Walt, Director of the Neil Aggett Labour studies Unit (NALSU) at Rhodes University, Makhanda, spoke to Phemelo Motene of SAFM on the life and legacy of Dr Neil Aggett.
Beyond Decent Work: Fighting for Unions and Equality in Africa
In Beyond Decent Work: Fighting for Unions and Equality in Africa, NALSU Director Professor Lucien van der Walt examines the history and future of union movements in sub-Saharan Africa.
Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit, Rhodes University, welcomes new inquest into the apartheid death of union leader Neil Aggett.
The Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) at Rhodes University, Makhanda welcomes the re-investigation of death of Neil Aggett, who died in an apartheid jail.
Social Capital Unionism and Empowerment: A Case Study of the ‘Solidarity’ Union at ArcelorMittal South Africa, Vanderbijlpark
Studies of trade unions in South Africa have focused on the socialist and Marxist union tradition represented by the Congress of South Africa Trade Unions (COSATU).
'To Conquer or be Slaves': The 1819 Battle of Egazini, Grahamstown/ Makhanda, and the Making of the Cape's Black Working Class
2019 is the bicentenary of the attack by Makhanda, Xhosa prophet and resistance leader, on the British imperial garrison at Egazini, at the city’s edge......
Launch: Ndivhuwo: Journal for Intellectual Engagement
The Launch of the 4th edition of Ndivhuwo: Journal for Intellectual Engagement was held on Wednesday, 21st August 2019.
Book Review: Post-School Education and the Labour Market in South Africa
Why are so many young people NEETs?
State resources, Eskom and the PIC: Alternatives in the Debt Crisis
On Wednesday 23 July, bbin宝盈集团 Minister Mboweni tabled a Special Appropriation Bill adding R26bn this year and R33bn next year to the R23bn per year that was already allocated in the 2019/20 national budget to save Eskom....
A learning convention in honour of comrade Vuyisile Mini
The Vuyisile Mini Winter School is an annual initiative of the Rhodes University Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU), in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) foundation – a German funding body. This year, it runs from from 9-12 July.
The Councillor and the Commissioner: Job creation policy and citizenship rights in urban South Africa
A seminar in the Labour Studies Seminar Series was presented by Ben Scully, entitled "The Councillor and the Commissioner: Job creation policy and citizenship rights in urban South Africa”
T-SHIRT DESIGN COMPETITION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you design a bold t-shirt? Give themes a graphic form? And use some prize money?
Book Launch | Markets on the Margins: Mineworkers, job creation & enterprise development by Kate Philip |
The Labour Studies Seminar Series, in partnership with James Currey Publishers will launch Markets on the Margins: Mineworkers, job creation & enterprise development by Kate Philip.
Revisiting Harold Wolpe in Post-Apartheid South Africa
A seminar entitled " Revisiting Harold Wolpe in Post-Apartheid South Africa" was presented by Dr John Reynolds as part of the Labour Studies Seminar Series.
Book Release: Handbook of Social Policy and Development
The Handbook of Social Policy and Development makes a groundbreaking, coherent case for enhancing collaboration between social policy and development.
Book Release: Race, Class and the Post-Apartheid Democratic State
This book provides an overdue critical re-engagement with the analytical approach exemplified by the work of Harold Wolpe, who was a key theorist within the liberation movement.
Book Launch: The Political Economy of Livelihoods in Contemporary Zimbabwe
The Labour Studies Seminar Series, in partnership with Routledge, will launch " The Political Economy of Livelihoods in Contemporary Zimbabwe" edited by Kirk Helliker, Manase Kudzai Chiweshe and Sandra Bhatasara
The right to vote: a South African discussion
A panel discussion on the right to vote in South Africa was held on 26 March 2019 in the Eden Grove Blue Lecture Theatre. This discussion focused on the right to free, fair and regular elections and the upcoming South African general elections taking place on 8 May 2019.
What Are We Fighting For? Possibilities for Decent Work, Unions and Rights in Africa
The Labour Studies Seminar Series hosted a presentation by Lucien van der Walt, entitled "What Are We Fighting For? Possibilities for Decent Work, Unions and Rights in Africa"
Book Launch: Post-School Education and the Labour Market in South Africa
The Labour Studies Seminar Series, in partnership with HSRC Press, launched “Post-School Education and the Labour Market in South Africa” edited by Michael Rogan.
Book Launch: Twentieth-Century South Africa: A Developmental History
The Labour Studies Seminar Series, in partnership with Cambridge University Press, launched “Twentieth-Century South Africa: A Developmental History” by Prof Bill Freund.
Informal workers growing older in the changing world of work: Implications for economic and social policies
The last Labour Studies Seminar for 2018, entitled Informal workers growing older in the changing world of work: Implications for economic and social policies" was presented by Prof Francie Lund.
Launch of the Keiskammahoek Rural Survey & Surplus People Project Survey Datasets
DataFirst, of the University of Cape Town, and the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU), of Rhodes University launched two historical datasets on 22 November 2018.
Data rescue for future researchers
DataFirst, located at the University of Cape Town, recently launched the Keiskammahoek Rural Survey (KRS) and Surplus People Project Survey Datasets (SPP) in partnership with the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) of Rhodes University. The rescuing of these datasets formed part of a national Data Rescue Project that had been initiated by DataFirst.
Politics at a Distance from the State: Radical and African Perspectives
The Labour Studies Seminar Series, in partnership with Routledge, launched "Politics at a Distance from the State: Radical and African Perspectives" edited by Professor Kirk Helliker and Professor Lucien van der Walt.
Freedom Isn't Free: The Freedom Charter Today
The Labour Studies Seminar Series, in partnership with Workers’ World Media Productions, will be hosting a screening of the film “Freedom isn’t Free: The Freedom Charter Today”, written and directed by Martin Jansen.
From micro- to macroeconomics for sustainability: the delusion of micro-foundations
The Labour Studies Seminar Series hosted a presentation by Prof Alejandro Nadal, El Colegio de México, entitled “From micro- to macroeconomics for sustainability: the delusion of micro-foundations".
The South African Informal Sector: Creating Jobs, Reducing Poverty
The Labour Studies Seminar Series, in partnership with HSRC Press launched The South African Informal Sector: Creating Jobs, Reducing Poverty edited by Prof Frederick Fourie.
Book Launch: Writing the Ancestral River: A biography of the Kowie
The Labour Studies Seminar Series, in partnership with Wits University Press, launched "Writing the Ancestral River: A biography of the Kowie," by Prof Jacklyn Cock.
SA feminism has long been intersectional, says Prof Shireen Hassim
Wits University Professor of Politics Shireen Hassim, based in WiSER (Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research), presented the Fourth Annual Neil Aggett Labour Studies Lecture on the 14th of August at the Eden Grove Blue lecture theatre.
Film Screening: Out of Dust and Iron, The Women of Marikana Rise: Strike a Rock
The Labour Studies Seminar Series, in partnership with Elafos Productions hosted a screening of the film Out of Dust and Iron, The Women of Marikana Rise: Strike a Rock
The inequality of Apartheid still felt in Eastern Cape, says Dr Reynolds in new book
The Labour Studies Seminar Series – hosted by the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU), the Department of Sociology, the Department of History, and the Department of Economics and Economic History – kicked off Part Two of its 2018 programme with the launch of a new book by Dr John Reynolds.
Book Launch: Development planning in South Africa: Provincial policy and state power in the Eastern Cape
A book launch was held in partnership with ZED Books entitled, Development planning in South Africa: Provincial policy and state power in the Eastern Cape , by John Reynolds
Book Launch: Urban Revolt: State Power and the Rise of People's Movements in the Global South
A book launch was held entitled, Urban Revolt: State Power and the Rise of People's Movements in the Global South, edited by Immanuel Ness, Trevor Ngwane, and Luke Sinwell.
Book Launch: Crossing the Divide: Precarious Work and the Future of Labour
A book launch was held in partnership with UKZN Press entitled, Crossing the Divide: Precarious Work and the Future of Labour, edited by Edward Webster, Akua Opokua Britwum and Sharit Bhowmik.
Commemorating Marx Bicentenary with discussion on Marx's Legacy
Michael Joseph and David Fryer delivered a seminar commemorating Marx's birthday and held a discussion on Marx's legacy.
Book Launch: Labour Beyond COSATU
A book launch was held in partnership with Wits University Press, entitled "Labour Beyond COSATU: Mapping the rupture in South Africa's Labour Landscape" edited by Malehoko Tshoaedi and Andries Bezuidenhout.
Can we ever stop talking Left and walking Right? Diagnosing the economic debate in the age of Radical Economic Transformation
David Fryer delivered a seminar entitled, entitled "Can we ever stop talking Left and walking Right? Diagnosing the economic debate in the age of Radical Economic Transformation” on the 17th April 2018 as part of the Labour Studies Seminar Series.
Who Owns the Land, Who Owns the Platinum? Conflict and Contested Meanings of Land and Mineral Wealth in Rural South Africa
Sonwabile Mnwana delivered a seminar entitled, Who owns the Land, Who owns the Platinum? Conflict and Contested meanings of Land and Mineral Wealth in Rural South Africa......
The unfolding of African feminism in CODESRIA: rethinking the dynamics of knowledge commons
Nimi Hoffmann delivered a seminar entitled, The unfolding of African feminism in CODESRIA.....
Proper child care helps poor working women – and it can boost economies
On international women's day, 8th March 2018, NALSU's Dr Laura Alfers with her colleague Rachel Moussie contributes article on the conversation highlighting the connections between child care and women's economic empowerment.
Coming Soon: Head of NALSU, Dr John Reynolds Publishes Book on Development Policy in the Eastern Cape
The Head of the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit at Rhodes University, Dr John Reynolds, has published a book with ZED Books based on his first-hand experiences with development policy processes in the Eastern Cape. The book is titled "Development Planning in South Africa: Provincial Policy and State Power in the Eastern Cape" and will be available in print in June 2018.
Rhodes affiliated scholars pen pertinent body of work to acclaim
RHODES University’s post-doctoral fellow Dr Laura Alfers (NALSU/ISER) and Dr Francie Lund (RU Honorary doctorate holder), along with their colleague Rachel Moussié, contributed a critically acclaimed research-based article on ‘The human right to social security’.
1917-2017: The Russian Revolution and its Relevance Today
Oupa Lehulere and Lucien van der Walt delivered the last Labour Studies seminar for 2017 entitled 1917-2017: The Russian Revolution and its Relevance Today on the 17th October 2017
Baphi oMzala? — An African Marxist Perspective on the 'National Question' in South Africa
Percy Ngoyama delivered a seminar entitled Baphi oMzala? — An African Marxist Perspective on the 'National Question' in South Africa on the 27th September 2017 ...
Women Workers' Politics, Race and Consumption in South Africa: Shelved in the Service Economy
Bridget Kenny delivered a seminar entitled Women Workers' Politics, Race and Consumption in South Africa: Shelved in the Service Economy on the 9th October 2017
Starving amidst Plenty: Survey Evidence on Child Stunting in South Africa
Dr Michael Rogan delivered a seminar entitled “Starving amidst Plenty: Survey Evidence on Child Stunting in South Africa” on the 13th September 2017
The Spirit of Marikana: The Rise of Insurgent Unionism in South Africa
A book launch was held for Luke Sinwell and Siphiwe Mbatha’s "The Spirit of Marikana: The Rise of Insurgent Unionism in South Africa"
The Unresolved National Question in South Africa: Left Thought under Apartheid
A book launch was held for Eddie Webster and Karin Pampallis’s "The Unresolved National Question in South Africa: Left Thought under Apartheid" on 3rd May 2017
The Crisis in the ANC and the Struggle against Corruption
Oupa Lehulere delivered a seminar entitled “The Crisis in the ANC and the Struggle against Corruption” on the 17th May 2017
Is South Africa at a Turning Point?
Eddie Cottle delivered a seminar entitled “Is South Africa at a turning point” as part of the Labour Studies Seminar Series.
Contesting the Racist Public Sphere: “New Africa” and the Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union versus the State in South Africa, 1918-1938
Henry Mitchell delivered a seminar entitled Contesting the Racist Public Sphere: “New Africa” and the Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union versus the State in South Africa, 1918-1938
Book Launch: Solidarity Road: The story of a trade union in the ending of apartheid by Jan Theron
A book launch was held for Jan Theron’s "Solidarity Road: The story of a trade union in the ending of apartheid" on 8th March 2017
Findings from the National Minimum Wage Research Initiative
Gilad Isaacs delivered a seminar entitled Findings from the National Minimum Wage Research Initiative on 22 February 2017
Launch of Ndivhuwo: Journal for Intellectual Engagement
Mzwanele Mayekiso launched his journal, Ndivhuwo: Journal for Intellectual Engagement, on 17 February 2016
Against Apartheid, For Civil Rights: Dockworkers and Social Justice Movements in Durban & San Francisco
Prof Peter Cole presented his paper entitled Against Apartheid, For Civil Rights: Dockworkers and Social Justice Movements in Durban & San Francisco on 24 February 2016
How Useful is “Settler-Colonialism” as Concept and Guide to Liberation Struggles?
Prof Ran Greenstein presented his paper entitled How Useful is “Settler-Colonialism” as Concept and Guide to Liberation Struggles? on 25 May 2016
Caught in the grip of the market: past and present of rural wage workers in South Africa
Dr Nicolas Pons-Vignon presented his paper titled Caught in the grip of the market: past and present of rural wage workers in South Africa on 24 August 2016
Found in Translation: Understanding South Africa's Union Power
Prof Andrew Lawrence presented his paper entitled Found in Translation: Understanding South Africa's Union Power on 2 March 2016
Launch: "The New Black Middle Class In South Africa"
The Labour Studies Seminar Series partners, together the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, launched The New Black Middle Class in South Africa by Roger Southall the 16 March 2016
What would you do with 1.8 trillion? The Private Affairs of the Public Investment Corporation
Prof Fred Hendricks presented his paper entitled What Would You Do with R1.8 trillion? The Private Affairs of the Public Investment Corporation on 6 April 2016
Double book launch: Capitalism’s Crises: Class Struggles in South Africa and the World and COSATU in Crisis: The Fragmentation of an African Trade Union Federation
A double book launch was held for Vishwas Satgar's
Graduates and the Labour Market: the cases of two Eastern Cape universities
Dr Michael Rogan and Mr Kanyiso Ntikinca presented on “Graduates and the Labour Market: the case of two Eastern Cape universities”
Wage determination and employment in South Africa: the case of the clothing industry
Professors Nicoli Nattrass and Jeremy Seekings presented their paper entitled Wage determination and employment in South Africa: the case of the clothing industry on 20 September 2016
Harold Wolpe Colloquium
The Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) at Rhodes University, which includes the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU), hosted a Harold Wolpe Colloquium in Grahamstown on 22-24 September 2015
The working poor in South Africa
Drs Michael Rogan and John Reynolds of the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) have undertaken ground-breaking work on the plight of South Africa’s working poor
Second Neil Aggett Labour Studies Lecture
The Second Neil Aggett Labour Studies Lecture was delivered by Prof Edward Webster on 21 September 2015 at Rhodes University
NALSU brings Prof Eddie Webster to the Eastern Cape
The Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU), which is located in the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) at Rhodes University, brought Prof Eddie Webster to the Eastern Cape in October 2014
Launch of labour studies seminar series
March 2015 saw the launch of a new inter-departmental Labour Studies Seminar Series at Rhodes University.
Vuyisile Mini Winter School 2015
The Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) at Rhodes University, which includes the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU), hosted its Vuyisile Mini Winter School 2015 in Grahamstown on 15-18 July 2015
LMIP briefing of Minister of Higher Education and Training
On 31 March 2015, Dr Michael Rogan of the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) participated in a high-level briefing workshop with the Minister of Higher Education and Training (DHET), Dr Blade Nzimande
Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit welcomes inquest into death of Aggett
The Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) at Rhodes University welcomes the re-investigation of death of union leader Neil Aggett, who died in an apartheid jail.
How the special Covid grant helped informal traders to stay afloat
No matter the circumstances and challenges, informal traders were able to parlay the bbin宝盈集团 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant into supporting and even in some cases, growing their businesses, write Senzelwe Mthembu, Sophie Plagerson, Laura Alfers, Mike Rogan and Lauren Graham.