

Women, Informal Work & COVID-19


Women, Informal Work & COVID-19
Women, Informal Work & COVID-19

The current crisis has dealt the South African workforce more job losses and greater economic hardship. What are the realities facing informal workers in general, and women informal workers, in particular? What immediate and longer term interventions are needed? This online panel discussion will bring together both first-hand accounts from worker leaders at the centre of the crisis and data analysis from national surveys and other research to distill policy priorities.

Please join UN Women and Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) as we consider the South African case. Prominent workers leaders – Myrtle Witbooi and Rosheda Muller – will reflect on what the impacts have been on domestic workers and informal traders; Susan Kimathi from UN Women on women in informal agriculture and Mike Rogan and Thuli Moyo on the latest research findings on this topic.

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Women, Informal Work and COVID-19

Date: 21 October 2020

Time 2 - 3h30pm(GMT+2) 

8 - 9h30am (EST)