

Dining Hall-Meals

Students from the Nelson Mandela Hall as well as Lilian Ngoyi Hall share a common dining hall, the Nelson Mandela Dining Hall.

Nelson Mandela Dining Hall

All meals are served on a cafeteria basis.

Meal Times:

Breakfast: Monday to Friday 

07h00 – 08h15

Saturday & Sundays & Public Holidays

08h00 – 09h15

Lunch: Monday to Friday

12h00 – 13h50

Saturday & Sundays & Public Holidays

12h00 – 13h30

Dinner: Monday to Sundays & Public Holidays

17h00 – 18h30

Exams Breakfast: Monday to Saturday

07h00 – 08h15

Sunday 08h00 – 09h15

Meal Booking System:
Meals will be supplied on the basis of a computerised meal booking system.
Alternate menus are available to students who book the alternatives in advance foods, health platters, etc. All students who require vegetarian meals, Halaal meals, or special diets are required to register for these at registration.

 The University offers a variety of diets for students to choose from. These include:
+ Normal
+ Vegetarian
+ Hindu/Halaal
+ Fast Food (of each of the above)
+ Health Platter
+ African Dish

Menus, which cover two week periods, are put up at the halls and students can then go and book the meals that they prefer to eat for the coming days. All students are booked from the beginning of the year according to the diet that they specified at registration. After this, any changes which they would like to make can be done on Ross or by contacting the Residence Systems Coordinator for assistance.

This system allows students to unbook meals when they go away for weekends or if they are going out to dinner etc. The value of the meals that they unbook are credited to their accounts at the end of each semester.

Meal bookings are managed and booked on the Ross System.

Last Modified: Mon, 09 Oct 2017 09:42:51 SAST