
Rhodes>ISER>Programmes>Postgraduate Studies

Postgraduate Studies

We currently offer research Masters and PhD degrees in social policy.

Applicants who wish to complete a Masters or PhD degree through the ISER should apply using the Rhodes University online applications system and indicate that the ISER is the department to which they are applying. That application will then be routed to the ISER Director for approval.

Applicants may need to supply a writing sample and CV in addition to degree certificates and academic transcripts. We also reserve the right to interview applicants before making a decision.

Research proposals of Masters and Doctoral students require approval by a higher degrees committee, such as the Humanities Higher Degrees Committee or the Commerce Higher Degrees Committee, before fieldwork can commence.  A department most appropriate to the proposed topic of study should be chosen, and the faculty higher degrees committee of the faculty in which that department falls will undertake the formal approval of a student's research proposal. Ethical clearance by the Rhodes University Ethical Standards Committee (RUESC) is also required.




Last Modified: Mon, 02 Nov 2020 13:21:05 SAST