CSD’s response to COVID -19

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CSD staff member Nolly Shelle in the front line of the Circle of Unity food distribution initiative
CSD staff member Nolly Shelle in the front line of the Circle of Unity food distribution initiative

In addition to the challenges of keeping in touch with our students and continuing our courses from a distance,  the CSD has been innovative, flexible and fast moving in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown.

ECD – the learning must go on

Our initial priority was to get ECD  literacy and numeracy materials as well as safety information in isiXhosa out to as many parents of young people in Makhanda as possible.  We initiated a project partnering with Grocott’s Mail, the journalism department, the Lebone Centre and the Maths Chair, to get learning resources distributed on radio and in print.  In addition we have been sharing COVID-19 information via Whatsapp as part of a Takalani Sesame initiative.


The CSD  staff are making a critical contribution to the Circle of Unity Food Group initiative, assisting the larger collective with financial support and logistics.  In addition, staff from the community team are on the front-line distributing food to those most in need.