520 food parcels sponsored by HCI and Lunchbox

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CSD Staff member Nolly carrying box of food parcels to the delivery truck.
CSD Staff member Nolly carrying box of food parcels to the delivery truck.

CSD staff delivered 520 food parcels today sponsored by HCI and Lunchbox.
Area that have been had little focus from other initiatives were targeted
with the assistance of ECD centres and schools.  Mat from Digs to Digs was
kind enough to bring his truck and his team to assist in what was a
formidable undertaking.  Vati, Bonnie, Nolly and Nicci all demonstrated
their strength and staying power.  "Womandla!"

The parcels were accompanied by a special story book newspaper featuring
Bookdash books, Nal'iBali stories budding Q exercises and numeracy
activities thanks to the Grocotts team.

Click the links to access the Masifundisane Grocotts Article:

Grocotts 1

Grocotts 2

Grocotts 3

Grocotts 4

Grocotts 5

Grocotts 6

Grocotts 7