

Waste sustainability

Rhodes University Facilities Department, within the Division of Infrastructure and Operations, is striving to recycle wherever possible, as well as reducing the total amount of waste generated on campus. Bear in mind: when we "throw something away", where is "away"? In South Africa, no more permits will be issued for new landfill sites; it is essential that we RETHINK our consumption and waste production.

  • ZERO WASTE:  Zero waste is considered to be the best option in the the 'waste hierarchy', but is difficult to achieve. More info: Guide to Zero Waste, and Zero Waste Economy by the Institute for Zero Waste in Africa.

  • REDUCE: One of Rhodes University’s Environmental Policy aims includes: "reduce campus waste". unnecessary consumption, packaging and waste generation. 

  • REPAIR , RE-USE and UPCYCLING (creative re-use of waste in arts and crafts). More info: Arkwork Collective & Kisma Kreative.

  • RECYCLE: Lower down in the the waste hierarchy, it helps reduce the overall amount of refuse going into landfill sites. Rhodes University supports Makana Municipality's 2-bag system of recycling. Items that can be recycled include paper/card, glass, plastic and metals

  • COMPOST: Composting is a biological recycling process that deals with organic (biodegradable) matter, for example, kitchen scraps, garden waste, non-glossy paper, card, etc.

More info

  • Contact: RU extension 8125 or email estates(at)

  • Facilities Manager: Mr Andy Hatting, RU extension 7201, a.hatting(at)

  • Map: search "Estates" at

  • Searching for info? Go to the Search Box (top right side of this page)

  • Maintenance requests: authorised staff may submit an ONLINE REQUISITION

Return to the Rhodes University Facilities Department front page. Questions/Suggestions? Contact estates(at)

Last Modified: Mon, 21 May 2018 13:50:43 SAST