Furniture Repairs
The Building Maintenance Section employs artisans who are responsible for furniture repairs (wooden items) on campus. To ensure that repairs and maintenance are carried out in good time, authorised staff should send an ONLINE REQUISITION to the folllowing trade:
Furniture repairers (6). Please note:
Furniture will not be collected by Building Maintenance. To have furniture delivered and collected, please liaise with the University Janitors.
Ensure that the furniture is sent to Building Maintenance immediately on submission of a requisition. NB: requisitions that are older than 30 days (1 month) will be cancelled.
All furniture must be individually and clearly marked (using a permanent marker) with the requisition number and the Department or Residence.
Please note that repairs and maintenance of metal furniture, castors/wheels of vacuum cleaners, damaged or worn metal components of equipment, vacuum pumps, etc, is carried out by the Engineering Maintenance Section.
More info
Contact: RU extension 8421/2 (secretary), u.lugongolo(at)
Manager: Mr Cromwell Dyala, RU extension 7439, c.dyala(at)
Map: search "Building Maintenance" at
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Maintenance requests: authorised staff may submit an ONLINE REQUISITION
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Last Modified: Tue, 22 May 2018 09:39:26 SAST