
Rhodes>Classics>Resources and Links

Resources and links

Museum & Reading Room

We are fortunate to have our own museum, containing artefacts that range in date from the Neolithic to the early Middle Ages. The museum is normally open every day during term time, and is also used as a venue for tutorials. There is also a Classical Studies reading room, which contains a small library. Students are welcome to use this space as a study when classes are not being held there. The museum is room F3 and the reading room F4 on the first floor parapet of the School of Languages and Literatures on Somerset Street.

Social Media

The RU Classical Studies Facebook page can be accessed here:

Students are welcome (and encouraged) to post comments here and any material relating
to Classical Studies.

Classical Association of South Africa



The Classical Association of South Africa (CASA/KVSA) supports the study of Classics in South Africa in many ways. It publishes two journals, Acta Classica and Akroterion, and holds a biennial conference. Student membership of the Association is available ( ).

For undergraduate students CASA holds an annual essay competition, for which Honours students can apply in even numbered years ( ) and a competition for translation into or from Latin and Greek (

Postgraduate students are eligible to apply, through CASA, for the Ursula Vogel Trust Award, which is awarded every other year and funds international travel for research purposes (

Last Modified: Mon, 15 Mar 2021 10:00:24 SAST