
Rhodes>Chemistry>Staff>Academic Staff>Prof Kevin A. Lobb

Prof Kevin A. Lobb


Lecturer (Physical Organic Chemistry)

Prof Lobb spent two years as NMR specialist before being appointed as a Lecturer in the department. He teaches NMR and computational chemistry at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. As a core member of RUBi [] he also teaches computational chemistry within the context of the coursework bioinformatics MSc programme. He has supervised and co-supervised 30 MSc and PhD students and has published some 42 papers.

His interests include reaction kinetics and the determination of organic reaction mechanisms (with particular emphasis on carbocations and carbocation rearrangements), and aspects of cheminformatics such as virtual chemical library generation and high throughput virtual screening in the context of drug discovery.



Contact Information:

Tel: +27 46 6038683 

Fax: +2746 6225109


Postal Addess:

Department of Chemistry

Rhodes University

PO Box 94 Grahamstown


For more info on me click on the following link ->> Professor Kevin A. Lobb

Last Modified: Thu, 25 Aug 2022 12:29:13 SAST