

Canterbury House

Canterbury House was opened in 1906 as a residence for students of the training college

Canterbury House is a undergraduate female residence of 58 girls. Canterbury House is nestled into the corner of St Peter's campus next to the Dining Hall and across the street from Winchester House. Canterbury girls are very caring and are always involved in innovative community projects but they still make time to win the Inter-Res sports competition.

They have a brass plaque above their entrance which reads:

AMDG. Randall Thomas, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, with a large heart and care for South Africa and zeal for Christian education, made provision for the building of this house July 18 1907. Do you who dwell herein cherish in grateful rememberance, not less enduring than these walls alike, the gift and the giver. "Bring my sons from far and my daughters from the ends of the earth".

Canterbury House

Contact Information
House Warden Judy Seymour
Warden's Telephone Number: +27 (46) 603-8577 (after hours)
+27 (46) 603-8616 (office hours)
Resident's Call Box Number: +27 (46) 622-9033 or 622-2322

Last Modified: Wed, 03 May 2017 16:33:30 SAST