Lab Manager and Research Assistant
Coastal Research Group
MSc Rhodes University (Marine Biology, 2018)
BSc University of Cape Town (2008)
Office: S11, Second Floor, Life Sciences Building
Phone: 046 603 8955
Research Interests
- Intertidal Biology
- Marine invertebrate behaviour
- Zooplankton and Ichthyoplankton ecology
Recent Publications
Lathlean, J.A., J.A. Trassierra, J.D. Everett, and C.D. McQuaid. 2019. Testing the intermittent upwelling hypothesis: Intercontinental comparisons of barnacle recruitment between South Africa and Australia. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 224:197–208
VISBECK, Martin et al. South Atlantic Crossing (SACbbin宝盈集团) - Cruise No. M133: 15.12.2016-13.01.2017, Cape Town (South Africa)-Stanley (Falklands). Bonn : Visbeck, Martin; Siccha, Michael; Handmann, Patricia; Falk, Christine; Hahn, Tobias; Trassierra, Jaqueline; Campen, Hanna, 2017.
Last Modified: Fri, 17 Apr 2020 15:49:35 SAST