

Ryan wins the 2024 VC's Distinguished Teached Award!

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Prof Ryan Wasserman
Prof Ryan Wasserman

Prof. Ryan Wasserman is the recipient of the 2024 Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award.
Prof. Monnapula-Mapesela says: "Every year, the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sizwe Mabizela, makes two prestigious teaching awards recognising teaching excellence at Rhodes University. One award honours exceptional teachers with ten or fewer years of teaching experience (Professor Ryan Wasserman)."

"Prof. Wasserman is a critically reflective teacher whose practice is theoretically informed. His efforts to make students feel valued, and his consistent use of student and peer feedback to inform his teaching and professional growth are some of the characteristics that set him apart as an excellent teacher at Rhodes University.
Ryan's responsiveness towards students from diverse backgrounds is demonstrated in his continuously evolving, contextually relevant teaching practices. His teaching philosophy is anchored in a systems approach, which places his students as knowers and learners at the centre of his engagements with them. A comment from one of his students captures his warm, welcoming people-centred approach, Please continue love bombing the students of ZOO302. It creates a very welcoming environment, thus making them want to continue with Zoo further.

Ryan's leadership in teaching, learning and research within his department, the University, and beyond is exemplary."


Congratulations Ryan!