
Rhodes>Wellness>bbin宝盈集团 Wellness>bbin宝盈集团 Centres

bbin宝盈集团 Wellness

The Counselling Centre, Health Care Centre, Career Centre and HIV office are collaborating under one umbrella term, namely STUDENT WELLNESS.

These four centres are here to assist with your physical, academic, social, emotional and spiritual wellness needs.

If you feeling emotionally down, unsure of yourself, or having to deal with ‘issues’ that you have thus far been unwilling to face, then please make an appointment with a psychologist at the Counselling Centre.

The Health Care Centre is the place to be if you are feeling physically unwell, if you wish to know your HIV status, or if you have any questions about your health, one of the friendly nursing sisters and the HIV officer will ease any anxieties you might have. 

Should you wish to discuss future job options or need a career assessment, please make an appointment at the Career Centre. 

Alternatively, if you are struggling academically and are not sure whether your current study methods are working, or if you having difficulty with time management, please join our study skills groups offered by the Counselling and Career Centres.

The Centres offer other groups and workshops.  Be sure if constantly check the website about the various services on offer.

Rhodes University and the Dean of Students Office are committed to Student Wellness.  If you can manage to balance all five areas of wellness, you are sure to see the positive results in your life.

Here’s a little bit more about each Centre:

The Counselling Centre is situated on the top floor of the Bantu Steven Biko Building (off Prince Alfred Street).

Professional, registered psychologists and interns are available to discuss a variety of issues related to student’s mental health and wellbeing.

The centre is open daily from 8-5 and has an afterhours psychological emergency line.

The Counselling Centre specialises in:

  • Confidential counselling
  • Referral information
  • Workshops on relevant issues and
  • Support groups for students with similar interests and goals.

Contact:  (046) 603 7070 or

The Career Centre is the place to come for any information you may require or for answers to any question you may have about your studies here at Rhodes or your future career.  There is no right way of developing a career.  Various companies are invited to the campus from time to time for presentations and you can participate in our career fairs.  Besides personal career sessions, group sessions and workshops focusing on specific topics will take place throughout the academic year.  Workshop themes include CV writing, interview skills as well as Career Construction.

Situated on the first floor of the Bantu Steven Biko building.

Contact:  (046) 6037070 or

The social side of student life can be the most enjoyable and for some students it will be their first taste of independence.  You’ll meet and make new friends, discover new and exciting opportunities and get involved in things that you have never tried before.  But remember too much alcohol…. A loss of self control…. And the next thing is unplanned casual and unprotected sex. 

The Dean of Students office takes a proactive stance in addressing this ‘drinking culture’ by promoting responsible drinking on campus.  We need to aim for ‘no new infections’ and to help each other avoid such risky sexual behaviour.  The HIV office is well equipped to identify and respond to risks facing our students.

The HIV officer is situated at the Health Care Centre

Contact:  (046) 603 8523 or

Our professional nursing personnel at the Health Care Centre are on duty throughout the term to provide dedicated and caring services to Rhodes students.  Rhodes is the only university in South Africa that has a nursing sister on 24 hour call in case of emergencies.

A Doctor is on duty every morning and appointments can be made at a minimal rate.

The Health Care Centre is off Rhodes Avenue and is open daily from 8.00-17.00

Contact:  (046) 603 8523 or

Last Modified: Tue, 26 Mar 2013 10:22:38 SAST