
Rhodes>UK Trust>UK Team>Chris Butler - Education

Chris Butler – Education

Chris Butler Profile Picture

Professorial Fellow in Primary Healthcare

After a BA at Rhodes University, Chris Butler trained in Medicine at the University of Cape Town, did doctoral work at the University of Wales College of Medicine, studied Clinical Epidemiology at The University of Toronto, worked for a while in Family Medicine and McMaster University, and practised as a part-time salaried GP for many years in the South Wales Valleys. He is now Senior Research Fellow at Trinity College, Clinical Director of the Primary Care Clinical Trials Unit, and co-Director of the NIHR Oxford Health-Tec Research Centre at the University of Oxford. His main research focus is on improving the diagnosis and management of infections in the community to safely reduce antimicrobial resistance, and health behaviour change. He has helped lead >30 randomised trials in the community, and co-leads the Platform Randomised trial of treatmeNts in the Community for epidemic and Pandemic iLlnEsses (PRINCIPLE) and the Platform Adaptive trial of Novel antiviRals for eArly treatment of COVID-19 in the Community (PANORAMIC) trials, which between them randomised over 40,000 people with COV ID-19 in the community and evaluated nine treatments. Chris also leads for primary care in the European Clinical Research Alliance on Infections Diseases (ECRIAD), and is leading the 10-country PRUDENCE trial that is evaluating point of care diagnostics to guide antibiotic treatment in acute respiratory tract infections. He was the patient nominated Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) Wales GP of the Year in 2019; won the RCGP Research Paper of the year in 2019 and 2020; published > 500 scientific papers; co-authored “Motivational Interviewing in Health Care”, with >130,000 copies in print; helped win >£200m in research funding; supervised 19 Doctorates; chairs the Longitude Prize Advisory Panel for a diagnostic test that will have a transformative impact on antibiotic resistance; is an NIHR Senior Investigator; was elected Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences; and the University of Antwerp made himDoctor, Honoris Causa, in Medicine and Health Sciences for making a fundamental contribution to primary care research into infectious disease management in the context of antimicrobial resistance and other pandemics, by building quintessential primary care research infrastructures and introducing efficient and democratic research models, which help reduce the impact of infectious diseases on individual and population health.”

Last Modified: Wed, 03 Jul 2024 17:56:11 SAST