
Rhodes>UK Trust>UK Team>Andrew La Trobe - Fundraising

Andrew La Trobe - Fundraising

Andrew La Trobe


Andrew graduated from Rhodes University in 1988 with a Bachelor of Commerce Honours degree in Economics and thereafter took up a Rhodes Scholarship for post-graduate studies at Oxford University and London School of Economics. He worked in the banking sector for over twenty years, based during these years in Johannesburg, London and Singapore, and more recently has moved into investment fund management. He serves as a non-executive director of Park Street A/S, a listed Danish property company and Enviro Options Pty Ltd, a South African sanitation company.

Andrew is married to fellow Rhodes graduate Ingrid Nee Truen, and they live in Sevenoaks in Kent with their two children remaining in fulltime education. Besides his contribution as a trustee of the Rhodes University Trust UK, Andrew is also a trustee of the Grahamstown United Schools Trust and the Harry Birrell Scholarship Trust, two other charities dedicated to the support of education in the city of Makhanda.  



Last Modified: Wed, 03 Jul 2024 17:48:31 SAST