

Prof kate Rowntree

Prof Kate Rowntree

Climate Change Coordinator

I am an Emeritus Professor in the Geography Department at Rhodes University where I have been involved in teaching, research and research supervision since 1986, focussing on the fields of fluvial geomorphology, land degradation and integrated catchment management. I started work in the Tsitsa River catchment in 2015 when I led the WRC ‘Green Village’ project (2015-2017) which investigated ways to gain livelihood benefits from the ongoing landscape rehabilitation activities. A key outcome of the project was laying the groundwork for green-preneurs to grow vetiver in home gardens for purchase by the rehabilitation implementer. We also worked with livestock owners, exploring possibilities of linking improved grazing management to easier market access. The Sinxaku area, where the WRC project was based, is now well established as an active node of the Tsitsa Project. In 2019 I was invited to contribute an assessment of how climate change and disaster risk management could be embedded within the Tsitsa Project. This led to engagements with community members and the Distract and Local Municipalities. As a fluvial geomorphologist I have engaged with the core rehabilitation aspects of the Tsitsa project on a continuing basis.

Last Modified: Mon, 07 Sep 2020 17:00:34 SAST