

Margaret Wolff

Margaret Wolff
Tsitsa Project Coordinator

Margaret Wolff began working with Professor Tally Palmer at the Institute for Water Research in 2013 after spending six years as a project manager at the Grahamstown Foundation. Initially working with Tally to manage various projects, Margaret’s interest in Tally’s work with Catchment Management Agencies and forums resulted in her registration as a part time Masters student in 2015. Her study site was the Tsitsa River catchment. Her research focused on enabling participation in water resource management through co- learning; encouraging a learning centre approach to the establishment of forums; and highlighted the need to understand the complex social-ecological systems in which research is undertaken. This community engaged research enables researchers and participants to work closely at co-creating solutions to intractable natural resource related challenges. She strongly believes that by listening and understanding a multitude of ways of knowing, all sectors of society are able to contribute to sustainable and just social and environment management. Margaret completed her Masters degree and went ‘back’ to project management by taking on the role of project co-ordinator for the Rhodes Restoration Research Group which includes the Tsitsa and Thicket Projects.

Last Modified: Mon, 17 Aug 2020 13:07:12 SAST