

Living Catchments Project - Postgraduate Bursaries 2021

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Living Catchments Project - Postgraduate Bursaries 2021
Living Catchments Project - Postgraduate Bursaries 2021

The South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) is leading the implementation of the Living Catchments project (LCP) in partnership with the Water Research Commission through funding from the Department of Science and Innovation. The project was developed in response to the Water Research, Development and Innovation Roadmap (Water RDI Roadmap) which is a national planning intervention aimed at addressing water scarcity in South Africa over a 10-year period between 2015 and 2025.

SANBI is calling for applications for bursaries for Masters Studies to support the above mentioned project through strengthening research on formal and informal collaboration and learning platforms that strengthen water governance at catchment level. Only research projects in line with the Living Catchment project will be considered.  Only full-time studies, with first registration in 2021, will be considered. Students must register at one of the South Africa’s Universities within or near the catchments (Berg-Breede, Olifants, Tugela and uMzimvubu catchments).

For more information on these bursaries and the application process please click here