


Section EI2


Blignaut, S., Pheiffer, G., Le Grange, L., Maistry, S., Ramrathan, L., Simmonds, S and Visser, A. (2021). Engendering a sense of belonging to support student well-being during COVID-19: A focus on sustainable development goals 3 & 4. Sustainability 13, 12944; doi:10.3390/su132312944 [PR 3]


Copteros, A., Karkou , V., Palmer, C.G (17 Oct 2023): Experiencing principles of dance movement therapy practice within transdisciplinary environmental research in South Africa, Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, DOI: 10.1080/17432979.2023.2268143


Cossa, J., Le Grange, L., and Waghid, Y. (2020). Cosmo-uBuntu: Towards a new (exterior to modernity): Theorizing about the human, the cosmos, and education. Comparative Education Review, 64(4): 753-756. [PR 3]


Ivey, P.J., Hill, M.P., Kenfack Voukeng, S.N. and Weaver, K. 2023.  Nagoya Protocol and Africa’s willingness to share biological control agents, are we deterred by barriers instead of using opportunities to work together? BioControl 68:253–259


Le Grange, L. (2023). Decolonisation and a third possibility for the university. South African Journal of Higher Education37(1), 38-52.


Le Grange, L., & Du Preez, P. (2023). Curriculum studies in the posthuman condition/posthuman curriculum (studies). South African Journal of Higher Education37(5), 60-77.


Le Grange, L.  (2020). The (Post) human Condition and Decoloniality: Rethinking and Doing Curriculum. On Curriculum Philosophy, Thinking, and Theorising in South African Higher Education Transformation, 119.  Alternation Special Edition 31: 119 – 142, DOI [PR 3]


Le Grange, L. (2020). Could the COVID-19 pandemic accelerate the uberfication of the university? South African Journal of Higher Education, 34(4): 1-10.  [PR 3]


Le Grange, L., Du Preez, P., Ramrathan, L., Blignaut, S. (2020).Decolonising the university curriculum or decolonial washing? Journal of Education. 80: 25-48. [PR 3]


Le Grange, L. (2020). Sustainability higher education in the context of Bearn’s University of Beauty. Sustainability 12, 10533; doi:10.3390/su122410533.[PR3]


Le Grange, L. (2020). Decolonising the university curriculum: The what, why and how. In Lee, John Chi-Kim and Gough, Noel. (eds.), Transnational education and curriculum studies: International perspectives. New York: Routledge. pp. 216-233. (978-1-138-48088-9). [PR3]


Le Grange, L. (2021) Individual responsibility in decolonising the university curriculum. South African Journal of Higher Education, 35(1): 4-20. [PR 3]


Le Grange, L. (2021) Towards a counter-narrative: Why dissent/agonism might have appeal in a neoliberal higher education space. Alternation,28(2): 1-27. [PR 3]


Lotz-Sisitka, H.B., Thifhulufhelwei, R., Chikunda, C., Mponwana, M (2023) The Emancipatory Nature of Transformative Agency Mediating Agency from Below in a Post-Apartheid Land Restitution Case. Chapter 10 in Hopwood, N., Sannino, A (Eds). Agency and Transformation Motives, Mediation, and Motion.  Cambridge University Press. 2023:230-264. doi:10.1017/9781009153799.011.  ISBN 9781009153799


Lotz-Sisitka, HB (2023) Water, Transport, Oil and Food: A Political–Economy–Ecology Lens on Changing Conceptions of Work, Learning and Skills Development in Africa, in Transitioning Vocational Education and Training in Africa: A Social Skills Ecosystem Perspective. Eds. VET Africa 4.0 Collective (McGrath, S., Ramsarup, P., Wedekind, V., Lotz-Sisitka, H., Allais, S., Monk, D.,  Openjuru, G …  Adoye, P ).  Chapter 3, p.37–54 . Bristol University Press.


Lotz-Sisitka, HB.,Openjuru, G., Zeelan, J. (2023) The Role of the University as Mediator in a Skills Ecosystem Approach to VET in Transitioning Vocational Education and Training in Africa: A Social Skills Ecosystem Perspective. Eds. VET Africa 4.0 Collective (McGrath, S., Ramsarup, P., Wedekind, V., Lotz-Sisitka, H., Allais, S., Monk, D.,  Openjuru, G …  Adoye, P ).  Chapter 8, p.139–157 . Bristol University Press.


Lotz-Sisitka, H.B. (2020).  Probing the potential of social ecosystemic skills approaches for green skills planning: Perspectives from the Expanded Public Works Programme studies.  Pp. 113-127. In Rosenberg, E., Ramsarup, P. & Lotz-Sisitka, H. (Eds) 2020.  Green Skills Research in South Africa.  Models, Cases and Methods. ISBN 9781000764598  London: Routledge [PR 12]


Lotz-Sisitka, H.B. (2020).  Green skills supply: Research from providers’ vantage point(s). Pp 143-156.  In Rosenberg, E., Ramsarup, P. & Lotz-Sisitka, H. (Eds) 2020.  Green Skills Research in South Africa.  Models, Cases and Methods.   ISBN 9781000764598  London: Routledge [PR 12]


Lotz-Sisitka, H.B., & Pesanayi, T. (2020). Formative interventionist research generating iterative mediating processes in a vocational education and training learning network.  Pp. 157-174.  In Rosenberg, E., Ramsarup, P. & Lotz-Sisitka, H. (Eds) 2020.  Green Skills Research in South Africa.  Models, Cases and Methods.   ISBN 9781000764598  London: Routledge  [PR 12]


Lotz-Sisitka, H.B. & Ramsarup, P. (2020).  Green skills research:  Implications for systems, policy, work and learning.  Pg. 208-223. In Rosenberg, E., Ramsarup, P. & Lotz-Sisitka, H. (Eds) 2020.  Green Skills Research in South Africa.  Models, Cases and Methods.  ISBN 9781000764598  London: Routledge [PR 12]


Lotz-Sisitka, H.B. (2020). ‘Ways of Being Free’: Finding ‘pulses of freedom’ in the border zone between Higher and Public Education for Sustainable Development. Chapter 5 in: Armon, J., Scoffham, S., Armon, C. (Ed).  Prioritizing Sustainability Education: A Comprehensive Approach. (14pp).Routledge, London. ISBN: 9780429021800. [PR 12]


Lotz-Sisitka, H.B., Rosenberg, E.  & Ramsarup, R (2020) Environment and sustainability education research as policy engagement: (re-) invigorating ‘politics as potentia’ in South Africa 1-29 Environmental Education Research.  DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2020.1759511. [PR 12, PR6]


Odume, O.N., Amaka-Otchere, A.B.K., Onyima, B.N., Aziz, F. Kushitor, B. and Thiam, S. (2021) Pathways, contextual and cross-scale dynamics of science-policy-society interactions in transdisciplinary research in African cities. Environmental Science and Policy 125: 116 -125. [PR 9]


Pahl-Wostl C, Odume, ON., Scholz, G., de Villiers, A., Amankwaa, EF (2023) The role of crisis in transformative change towards sustainability. Ecosystems and People 19 (1) 2188087


Palmer, C., Tanner, J., Akanmu, J., Alamirew, T., Bamutaze, Y., Banadda, N., Cleaver, F., Faye, S., Kabenge, I., Kane, A., Longe, E., Nobert, J., Nsengimana, V., Speight, V., Weston, S., Winter, K., & Woldu, Z. The Adaptive Systemic Approach: Catalysing more just and sustainable outcomes from sustainability and natural resources development research. River Research and Applications.


Ramsarup, P., McGrath, S., & Lotz-Sisitka, H. (2023). Reframing skills ecosystems for sustainable and just futures. International Journal of Educational Development, 101, p.1-9. 102836.


Reed, M.G., Robson, J.P., Lindgren, A., Friedrichsen, P., Brock, T., Davidson-Hunt, I., Lichtenstein, G., Shackleton, S., Vasseur, L., and Worthen, H.  (2023). Guiding Principles for Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research and Practice. People and Nature, 5 (4): 1094-1109.


Rodrigues, C., Payne, P., Le Grange, L., Carvalho, I.C.M., Steil, C.A., Lotz-Sisitka, H. and Linde-Loubser, H. (2020). Introduction: “New” theory,“post” North-South representations, praxis. The Journal of Environmental Education, 51 (2): 97-112.[PR 3, 12 collaboration on theory influences] 


Rosenberg, E. (2020). Framing learning needs assessments for sustainability policy practices. Pp. 128-142. In Rosenberg, E., Ramsarup, P. & Lotz-Sisitka, H. (Eds).  Green Skills Research in South Africa.  Models, Cases and Methods.  ISBN 9781000764598  London: Routledge [PR 6]


Rosenberg, E. (2020).  Synthesis and elaboration of critical realist methodology for green skills research. Pp. 192-207. In Rosenberg, E., Ramsarup, P. & Lotz-Sisitka, H. (Eds).  Green Skills Research in South Africa.  Models, Cases and Methods.  ISBN 9781000764598  London: Routledge [PR 6]


Rosenberg E. (2020) Eco-Schools as Education for Sustainable Development in Rural South Africa. PP 289-307  In: Gough A., Lee JK., Tsang E. (eds) Green Schools Globally. International Explorations in Outdoor and Environmental Education. ISBN 978-3-030-46820-0 Springer, Cham.  [PR 6]


Rosenberg, E., & Kotschy, K. (2020). Monitoring and evaluation in a changing world: A Southern African perspective on the skills needed for a new approach. African Evaluation Journal, 8(1), 10 pages. AOSIS doi:   [PR 6]


Rosenberg, E. and Le Grange, L. (2020). Attitudinal difference surveys perpetuate harmful tropes: A comment on Nattrass, South African Journal of Science, 116: 1-7. [PR 6 and PR 3 collaboration on methodological issues] 


Rosenberg E., Shumba O., Ngoma J. & Cobban L. (2021). Development and Education that Sustain: Expanding value chains in Agriculture, Mining and Higher Education in Southern Africa. In: Leal Filho W., Pretorius R., de Sousa L.O. (eds) Sustainable Development in Africa. World Sustainability Series. Springer, Cham.  [PR 6 and PR4]


Ramsarup, P., & Lotz-Sisitka, H.B. (2020).  Transitioning into work:  A learning and work transitioning process perspective. Pp. 97-113. In Rosenberg, E., Ramsarup, P. & Lotz-Sisitka, H. (Eds). Green Skills Research in South Africa.  Models, Cases and Methods.  ISBN 9781000764598  London: Routledge  [PR 12]


Schudel, I., & Lotz-Sisitka, H. (2021). Strengthening Environment and Sustainability Subject Knowledge: Curriculum Challenges and Opportunities. In Schudel, I., Songqwaru, S., Tshiningayamwe, S., and Lotz-Sisitka, H. (Eds), Teaching and learning for change: Education and sustainability in South Africa (pp. 25-48). African Minds.Cape Town. [PR 12]


Schudel, I., Lotz-Sisitka, H., Songqwaru, Z., & Tshiningayamwe, S. (2021). Engaging Education for Sustainable Development as Quality Education in the Fundisa for Change Programme. In Schudel, I., Songqwaru, S., Tshiningayamwe, S., and Lotz-Sisitka, H. (Eds), Teaching and learning for change: Education and sustainability in South Africa (pp. 3-24). African Minds. Cape Town. [PR12]


Shackleton, S., Taylor, A., Gammage, L., Gillson, L., Sitas, N., Methner, N.,  Barmand, S., Thorn, J., McClure, A., Cobban, L.,  Jarre, A.,  Odume, O.N  (2023) Fostering transdisciplinary research for equitable and sustainable development pathways across Africa: what changes are needed?, Ecosystems and People, 19:1, DOI: 10.1080/26395916.2022.2164798 


Shumba, O., Mandikonza, C., & Lotz-Sisitka, H. (2021). Advancing Assessment Thinking in Education for Sustainable Development with a Focus on Significant Learning Processes. In Schudel, I., Songqwaru, S., Tshiningayamwe, S., and Lotz-Sisitka, H. (Eds), Teaching and learning for change: Education and sustainability in South Africa (pp. 201-222). African Minds. Cape Town. [PR12]


Thiam. S., Aziz, F., Kushitor, S.B., Amaka-Otchere, A.B.K., Onyima, B.N. and Odume, O.N. (2021) Analysing the contributions of transdisciplinary research to the global sustainability agenda in African cities. Sustainability Science [PR 9]


Tshiningayamwe, S., & Lotz-Sisitka, H. (2021). Enhancing Capabilities of Life Sciences Teachers: Professional Development, Conversion Factors and Functionings in Teachers’ Professional Learning Communities. In Schudel, I., Songqwaru, S., Tshiningayamwe, S., and Lotz-Sisitka, H. (Eds), Teaching and learning for change: Education and sustainability in South Africa (pp. 275-290). African Minds. Cape Town. [PR12]


Ward, M.R.; Rosenberg, E. 2020. Revealing mechanisms in a transdisciplinary Community Reforestation Research. African Evaluation Journal; Vol 8, No 1. 10.4102/aej.v8i1.467 [PR 6]


Weaver MJT, Cockburn J, Mtati N and Palmer CG (2023) Transformative processes in a WEF nexus landscape: a case study of two vignettes from the Tsitsa Project. Ecosystems and People.


Wedekind V, Russon JA, Ramsarup P, Monk D, Metelerkamp L, McGrath S. (2021) Conceptualising regional skills ecosystems: Reflections on four African cases. International Journal of Training and Development. 2021 Dec. 25(4):347-62. [PR 12]


van Staden, W. & Lotz-Sisitka, H. (2023). E-learning as a mediating tool to support interactive professional learning of teacher educators, Interactive Learning Environments, DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2023.2170423 Available at: role=button  ISSN: 1744





Callaghan, N., Foley, R. & Swilling, M. 2021. Anatomy of State Capture. Stellenbosch. Africa Sun Media. ISBN 9781991201379 [PR 3:  While not directly related to this CoP’s immediate objectives, this book offers important critical background analysis for the efficacy of science-policy relations, and in many ways the background analysis of efficacy of the state influences all science-policy relations.] 


Rosenberg, E., Ramsarup, P., Lotz-Sisitka, H.B. (2020). Green Skills Research in South Africa: Models, Cases and Methods. Routledge Studies in Sustainability 230 Pages ISBN 9781000764598  London: Routledge [PR 12 & PR 6:  This book offers methodological insight, as well as policy implications for green skills research in South Africa – it offers conceptual tools for the synthesis work of PR 12, and has also had a generative influence on VET 4.0 Africa research into skills ecosystems models that bring policy-science-practice closer together at the point of educational intervention, which has been a focus of PR 12 in the reporting period] 


Swilling, M. (2020). The age of sustainability: Just transitions in a complex world (p. 350). Taylor & Francis. [PR 3:  This book offers wider framing for the policy direction of the three thematic areas, especially the emergence of just transitions discourse as a policy discourse. It also offers a curriculum analysis of the post-graduate programme at the US CST which is under review in this CoP project]


Sheona Shackleton, Leigh Cobban, Nadine Methner, Nadia Sitas. 2020. Special issue of the journal Land published as a book entitled ‘Collaboration and Multi-Stakeholder Engagement in Landscape Governance and Management in Africa: Lessons from Practice’  [PR 4:  This book is constructed out of a SI journal. It directly addresses a number of issues of core concern to this CoP and its praxis, especially landscape level transdisciplinary processes that are needed for advancing sustainable development actions] 


Schudel, I., Songqwaru, Z., Tshiningayamwe, S., and Lotz-Sisitka, H. (Eds), Teaching and learning for change: Education and sustainability in South Africa.  Cape Town. African Minds. [PR 12 – this book brings together and synthesises ESD in the formal schooling context – teachers and pedagogical research, and tackles some critical issues that also relate to PR 3’s focus namely the nature of environmental knowledge and pedagogical approaches that advance social learning and sustainable development in education system transformation] 

Last Modified: Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:00:05 SAST