


Section EI2

The Clean Water Supply and Provisioning thematic cluster focuses on water quality monitoring, bio-technology and biological control, as aligns to SDG 6&9, with the following list of publications: 


Akamagwuna FC, ON Odume, N Richoux (2023) Agricultural disturbance affects taxonomic and functional diversity of Afrotropical macroinvertebrate composition in a South African river system. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators 18: 100251.


Chibwe M, Odume ON, Nnadozie CF (2023) A review of antibiotic resistance among Campylobater species in human, animal, and water sources in South Africa: a One Health Approach. Journal of Water and Health 21 (1) 9 – 26.


Enqvist J, Ziervogel G, Metelerkamp L, van Breda J, Dondi N, Lusithi T, Mdunyelwa A, Mgwigwi Z, Mhlalisi M, Myeza S, Nomela G. (2021). Informality and water justice: community perspectives on water issues in Cape Town’s low-income neighbourhoods. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 38(1): p 108-29. DOI: 10.1080/07900627.2020.1841605 [PR 12, with links to PR 4 and 3]


Feio MJ, Hughes RM, Serra SRQ, Nichols SJ, Kefford BJ, Robinson W, Lintermans M, Odume ON, …. Alves CBM, and Sharma PS (2023) Fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages reveal extensive degradation of the world’s rivers. Journal: Global Change Biology 29(2) 355 -374.


Feio, M.J., Hughes, R.M., Calisto, M., Nichols, S.J., Odume O.N., …Yates, A.G. (2021) The biological assessment and rehabilitation of the world’s rivers: an overview. Water 13, 371. [PR 9]


Feio M.J., Ranta E., Odume O.N. (2021) Contribution of Citizens to Preserving Local Freshwater Ecosystems. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A.M., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Wall T. (eds) Clean Water and Sanitation. Encyclopaedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham. [PR 9]


Kalyatanda, G. S., Archibald, L. K., Patnala, S., Paul-Satyaseela, M., Kiran, P. R., Srinivas, S. C., ... Limson, J., & Southwick, F. (2020).  No human exists in isolation or as an island: The outcomes of a multidisciplinary, global, and context-specific COVID-19 consortium. American Journal of Disaster Medicine, 15(3), 219-222.


Khumalo, L.; Mickelsson, M.; Fogel, R.; Mutingwende, N.; Madikiza, L.; Limson, J. Progressing from Science Communication to Engagement: Community Voices on Water Quality and Access in Makhanda. Sustainability 2024, 16, 459.


Owowenu EK, Nnadozie CF, Akamagwuna F, Noundou XS, |Uku JE and Odume ON (2023) A critical review of environmental factors influencing the transport dynamics of microplastics in riverine systems: implications for ecological studies. Aquatic Ecology : 57, 557–570


Odume ON, Akamagwuna FC, Ntloko P,  Dallas HF,  Nnadozie CF, Barber-Jame HM (2023) A trait database for Southern African freshwater invertebrates. African Journal of Aquatic Science  48 (1): 64 - 70.


Odume, O.N. (2020) Searching for urban pollution signature and sensitive macroinvertebrate traits and ecological preferences in a river in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. Ecological Indicators 108: 105759. [PR 9]


Tumwesigye E. Nnadozie CF, Akamagwuna FC, Noundou XS, Nyakairu GW, and Odume ON (2023) Microplastics as vectors of chemical contaminants and biological agents in freshwater ecosystems: current knowledge status and future perspectives. Environmental Pollution 121829.


Van Borek, S., & Abrams, A.L. (2023). Respecting local knowledge keepers through cellphilms featuring local water bodies: towards decolonizing water management. AQUA – Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society.  


Xoxo S, Tanner J, Mantel S, Gwapedza D, Paxton B, Hughes D, & Barreteau O. (2023, May). Chapter 11-Equity-Based Allocation Criteria for Water Deficit Periods: A Case Study in South Africa. In International Conference on Decision Support System Technology (pp. 137-155). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

Last Modified: Wed, 24 Apr 2024 11:33:54 SAST