

Citizen engagement addressing risk of environmental pollution to river health, SD, and biodiversity


Partnering Institute:
University of Limpopo

Clean Waterbbin宝盈集团 the project: 
This CoP project addresses theme 2, Clean Water. Human development impacts and exploitation of natural resources for improved well-being (e.g. food security, conflict, health, human displacement) often lead to indirect environmental consequences. These environmental changes may harm human development efforts including depletion of groundwater, soil erosion, climate change, sea level rise, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, resource depletion and water pollution.

The impact of environmental pollution is more rigorous in developing countries and dangerous for sustainability of human development with the latter essential for long term economic development. Developing nations do not always have advanced technology and resources to prevent pollution. Consequently, a higher health risk and repercussions of climate change are experienced. Some of the health risks include contaminated water (e.g. high levels of metals, low pH levels) and waterborne diseases, as is the case in the Olifants catchment in South Africa, where this research will be located.

High levels of waterborne diseases have been associated with inadequate waste treatment and the lack of proper public water supplies as well as inadequate personal hygiene habits. Waterborne diseases can have a significant impact on the economy. Infected people are usually confronted with financial losses caused by e.g. costs for medical treatment and medication, costs for transport, special food, and by the loss of manpower. Clean water is a pre-requisite for reducing the spread of waterborne diseases.

Clean water is a human right. With this project we would like communities to learn to be aware of the risks associated with water pollution and be able to monitor water quality of their source water (e.g. rivers close to their household). This will be done through translation of our scientific insights into water pollution impacts, into training and knowledge transfer via use and development of citizen science tools.

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Last Modified: Sat, 11 Sep 2021 11:58:17 SAST

NRF Community of Practice: Social Learning & Sustainable Development