

History is made as the Rhodes University SRC Alumni Board officially launches

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Members of the SRC Alumni Board
[CREDIT - Vusumzi Tshekema]
Members of the SRC Alumni Board [CREDIT - Vusumzi Tshekema]

By Katlego Nkosi


Nostalgia and innovation intertwined as Rhodes University's current Student Representative Council (SRC) and SRC Alumni gathered to launch the SRC Alumni Board on 12 August 2023. This historic moment saw a fusion of past and present, birthing a new era for preserving the SRC legacy.

The SRC Alumni Board is co-chaired by the 2021 SRC President, Leboghang Nkambule, and the 2019 SRC President, Samkelo Mngadi. The tentative steps for setting up the board were taken in 2018/19. Disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board reconnected in 2021, resulting in the SRC Alumni Board Policy taking shape. The vision of this board is clear: to create and maintain a community of alumni elders and former and experienced members of the Rhodes University SRC that will support the current SRC through advice, mentorship, expertise, donations, and fundraising.

Reflecting on the SRC legacy and advancing the future, Student Development and Support Officer Mr Eric Ofei introduced the slogan driving this initiative. "We are retired but not tired" – a phrase brought forward by Rolihlala Mabaso, President of the 2017 SRC, that sets the tone and standard for the continued successful collaboration within the SRC culture. "This sentiment is a profound idea that speaks to our journey, commitment, and aspirations. It underscores that stepping back from an active role is not a retreat into complacency. Instead, it is an evolution into a new phase of contribution. One driven by experience, insight, and a desire to empower those following in our footsteps," elaborated Mr Ofei.

The current SRC President, Avuxeni Tyala, concurred, "The most essential part is continuity. Just because you are passing the baton does not mean your mission is done. A perfect example of this is everybody sitting in this room - the alumni network."

She also mentioned the importance of creating a safe space: "We have become more epithetic. We have become more individualistic. More, 'this is not my struggle, this is your struggle', and it is because of that lack of continuity. We are an institution of support. We are because of the foundation that has been set."

The theme of giving back was further emphasised during the address by the Manager of Alumni Relations and Stakeholder Engagement, Luyanda Bheyile. He gave enlightening examples of the inspiring work done by Rhodes University alumni, mentioning a few projects in the making, including the formalising of the Alumni Chapters and a recent initiative, being the establishment of the iHlumo Scholarship, spearheaded by a group of former SRC members, to fund an undergraduate student. This scholarship aligns closely with the core values of Rhodes University's responsible citizenry ethos.

There was a tangible sense of optimism in the future of the board and the alumni network as Bheyile's presentation drew to a close. "At this stage, you are the torchbearers of the legacy of this important initiative. As we reminisce about the memories we've created, let us not forget the responsibility that comes with our achievements. We are privileged to have had access to an exceptional quality of education Rhodes University has to offer. With privilege comes the duty to give back. We have to support future generations of students, to open doors for those who come after us, and to create a world where everyone has access to the transformative power of education."

Proceedings of the launch included energetic, interactive activities that continued a collaborative culture between the current and alumni SRC members. Discussions about the future of the SRC Alumni Board took place, with presentations on how to broaden the network and offer support.

Further plans are to improve the policy and ensure collaboration with the Unit of Alumni Relations and Stakeholder Engagement. This collaboration hopes to reach a wider pool of SRC alumni to strengthen the diversity of the board and the Old Rhodian Union.