
Rhodes>Stanley Kidd House>House Leadership

House Leadership

bbin宝盈集团 The House Committee

The house comm is responsible for representing the students in the house in their various folios. Students have to be elected onto the committee by their peers in res. Without the house comm, the house would not be able to function to its best ability. This house comm is lead by the Senior Student who is responsible for running house committee meetings, interacting with the students, and organising res tops and photos. He is essentially the big brother to all the students in res, and is actively involved in res functions.

The Community Engagement Rep provides opportunities for students to interact with people from old age homes, the Children's hospital, and to get involved with the SPCA.  The Entertainment Rep is responsible for organising fun events for all the first years in O-Week, and then managing res braai's and other entertainment events throughout the year.

The ResNet Rep looks after the minutes of house meetings, and the maintenance of the res printer and the res web page. He also can be called upon to help people in res set up their internet connection.

The Sports Rep folio is a massive task as it entails organising chaps to play in the many sporting functions organised every week. Skidd tries to enter every sporting competition in the inter-res sports shield. We also have recently introduced an Awareness Rep who ensures students are aware of the importance of their studies and provides useful study techniques. He also puts together mentorship lists and informs students of enviormental issues on campus.

Current and Previous House Comms can be viewed by clicking the following links...

2018,2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008 


Stanley Kidd Warden and Sub-Wardens

Unlike the house comm, the sub-wardens are appointed by an official Rhodes committee. Sub-Wardens are reimbursed for their duties and assist the house warden in maintaining order and discipline within the residence. They are their to assist students who have locked themselves out their rooms; to be available in cases of emergencies; have duty nights where they stay in res; and they have various other tasks. Sub-Wardens are usually selected because they have been active members of the res and have earnt the respect by the other students in the residence. They are prepared to do whats right at all times, and act as the eyes and ears of the house warden.

Last Modified: Wed, 08 Jan 2020 11:13:39 SAST