

Communicators complete a specialised digital media course


Essentials of Digital Media Management Course Partcipants
Essentials of Digital Media Management Course Partcipants

A diverse mix of communicators, project-coordinators and faculty officers completed a highly specialised course on managing digital content.

The Essentials of Digital Media Management course, offered by the Sol Plaatje Institute (SPI), took place at the School of Journalism and Media Studies, Rhodes University in Makhanda, on 15 – 19 August 2022.

This course was designed for professionals who interface with the public or other stakeholders and those who want to command attention and increase their presence on digital and social media platforms.

In this five-day short course, the participants learnt about the digital media landscape, digital marketing strategy, business models, how to use and measure impact on social media platforms, and how to create compelling content, even from mobile devices quickly.

Nandipha Xangayi, a Communications Officer at Umzimvubu Local Municipality, praised the course for being beneficial and stated that it is highly recommended for all content creators.

One of the key takeaways for Margaret Wolff, a Project Coordinator at Rhodes University's ?Institute for Water Research, was "understanding the need to plan and develop a strategy and the various tools and calendars that can be used to schedule posts".

Linda Mkaza, the editor of Grocott's Mail and lecturer at the Rhodes University School of Journalism and Media Studies, stated that she plans to use social media more effectively to engage with audiences and help direct them to the Grocott's Mail website.

Many participants found value in the practical exercises and working in teams to share their knowledge and experiences with colleagues.

The course was jointly led by Steve Kromberg and Michael Salzwedel from Social Weaver, experts in the digital industry who specialise in communication strategies, digital media management, online business models, wearable technology and digital media ethics. Social Weaver has partnered with the SPI and taught the Essentials of Digital Media Management for over 12 years.

The SPI runs a basket of other certificated professional media management and media business courses and the Postgraduate Diploma in Media Management, accredited at the honours degree level (NQF 8)  by South Africa's Qualifications Authority (SAQA).

For more information on the SPI's courses, please get in touch with the Institute's Course Coordinator, Mbali Buthelezi, at, or call her on 046 603 8949.
