This page hosts links to other miscellaneous maths related resources and news.

  • Articles for teachers in professional teacher publications (e.g. Learning and Teaching Mathematics, The Teacher etc)
  • Core Numeracy Readings

Articles for teachers

Articles on maths concepts, games, events that are relevant for teachers. Most recent first

Stott, D. (2016). Using arrays for conceptual understanding of multiplication and divisionLearning and Teaching Mathematics20, 3–6. doi:10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004

Graven, M. (2015). Reluctant to think for herselfThe Teacher, p. 2015. Johannesburg.

Stott, D., Maritz, A., & Williams, S. (2016). Family maths events in Grahamstown after-school programmes - A community approach. In S. A. Paphits & D. Hornby (Eds.), Rhodes University Community Engaged Learning Symposium (pp. 55–56). Grahamstown, South Africa: Rhodes University. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4451.9284

Graven, Stott - 2015 - Families enjoying Maths together-organising a family Maths event Learning and Teaching Mathematics19, 3–6.

Stott, D. (2014). MCR - Ive got it - multiplication card gameLearning and Teaching Mathematics, (17), 3–6.

Graven, M., & Stott, D. (2014, January). Engaging families in mathstheTeacher, pp. 6 & 8. Johannesburg.

Graven, M. & Schäfer, M., (2013). Interview with a Mathematics Doodler – Dr Sizwe Mabizela, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Rhodes University. Learning and Teaching Mathematics, (14), pp.3–4.

Graven, M. & Venkatakrishnan, H., 2013. ANAs: ANAs Possibilities and Constraints for Mathematical Learning. Learning and Teaching Mathematics, (14), pp.12–16.

Stott, D., 2013. Stomp-Tap-Clap-Snap: A game for promoting conceptual place value and listening skills. Learning and Teaching Mathematics, 15, pp.31–32.

Stott, D., 2013. Make It Count SeriesGrocotts Mail.

Stott, D., 2013.A Quick Tool for Tracking Procedural Fluency Progress in Grade 2, 3 and 4 Learners. Learning and Teaching Mathematics, (14), pp.36–39.

Stott, D., 2013. Number Line Image Generator – A Website Review. Learning and Teaching Mathematics, (14), pp.22–25.

Graven, M., & Stott, D. (2012). Fun with Maths Series. Grocotts Mail. Grahamstown.

Graven, M., Stott, D. (2011).  Exploring Online Numeracy Games for Primary Learners: Sharing Experiences of a Scifest Africa Workshop. A Journal of AMESA, August 2011. 10 - 16

Graven - 2011c‌. Mathematical learning opportunities for young learners with touch screen technology. Learning and Teaching Mathematics9(January), 43–45.

Graven - 2011a. Review of the newly launched website Learning and Teaching Mathematics9(January), 8–10.

Venkat et al. - 2009‌ “Reasoning and Reflecting” in Mathematical Literacy. Learning and Teaching Mathematics7(July), 47–53.

Buytenhuys, Graven, Venkatakrishnan - 2007. Mathematical Literacy - a Lifeline for Many. Learning and Teaching Mathematics5(November), 31–35.


Core Numeracy ReadingsStacked books

We are often asked to recommend core readings for numeracy and mathematics. Here are some that form key frameworks for our research and development work. If the reading is freely available there is a link to download it.

Accounting for accounts of learning mathematics: Reading the ZPD in videos and transcripts

Reading Citation

Stephen Lerman:
The social turn in mathematics education research 

Lerman, S. (2000). The social turn in mathematics education research. In J. Boaler (Ed.), Multiple Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics (pp. 19–44). Ablex.

Stephen Lerman:
Accounting for accounts of learning mathematics: Reading the ZPD in videos and transcripts

Lerman, S. (2001). Accounting for accounts of learning mathematics: Reading the ZPD in videos and transcripts. In D. Clarke (Ed.), Perspectives on Practice and Meaning in Mathematics and Science Classrooms (pp. 1–19). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Stephen Lerman:
Zones of Proximal Development as fields for communication and dialogue

Meira, L., & Lerman, S. (2009). Zones of Proximal Development as fields for communication and dialogue. In C. Lightfoot & M. C. D. P. Lyra (Eds.), Challenges and Strategies for bbin宝盈集团 Human Development in Cultural Contexts (pp. 199–219). Rome: Firera Publishing.

Jeremy Kilpatrick and colleagues:
Adding It Up (Report)
Kilpatrick, J., Swafford, J. & Findell, B., 2001. Adding It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics, Washington DC: National Academy Press.
Mike Askew and colleagues:
Effective Teachers of Numeracy (Report)
Askew, M. et al., 1997. Effective teachers of numeracy, London: London: King’s College/TTA.
Mike Askew:
Mediating learning number bonds through a Vygotskian lens of scientific concepts (Journal Article)
Askew, M., 2013. Mediating learning number bonds through a Vygotskian lens of scientific concepts. South African Journal of Childhood Education, 3(2), pp.1–20.
Mike Askew:
Transforming Primary Mathematics (Book)
Askew, M., 2012. Transforming Primary Mathematics, Abingdon: Routledge.
Bob Wright:
Assessing early numeracy: Significance, trends, nomenclature, context, key topics, learning framework and assessment tasks
Wright, R.J., 2013. Assessing early numeracy: Significance, trends, nomenclature, context, key topics, learning framework and assessment tasks. South African Journal of Childhood Education, 3(2), pp.21–40.
Sherry Parrish:
Number Talks Build Numerical Reasoning (Teacher Article)
Parrish, S., 2011. Number Talks Build Numerical Reasoning. Teaching Children Mathematics, 18(October), pp.198–206. Available at:
10-frames reading) Adapted from various sources listed in the article
Jo Boaler:
The Elephant in the Classroom: Helping Children Learn and Love Maths (Book)
Boaler, J., 2010. The Elephant in the Classroom: Helping Children Learn and Love Maths, Souvenir Press Ltd.

Brahm Fleisch:
Primary education in crisis: Why South African schoolchildren underachieve in reading and mathematics (Book)

Fleisch, B., 2008. Primary education in crisis: Why South African schoolchildren underachieve in reading and mathematics, Johannesburg: Juta.

South African Mathematics Curriculum Documents:

Department of Basic Education, 2011. Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement Grades 1-3: Mathematics, Pretoria: Department of Basic Education, South Africa.

Department of Basic Education, 2011. Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement Grades 4-6: Mathematics, Pretoria: Department of Basic Education, South Africa.

Eric Schollar:
Schollar Short Version The Primary Mathematics Research Project 2004-2007 (Report)

Schollar, E., 2008. Final Report: Short Version The Primary Mathematics Research Project 2004-2007 - Towards eveidence-based educational development in South Africa, Johannesburg.
Vijay Reddy:
Mathematics and science achievement at South African schools in TIMSS 2003 (Book)
Reddy, V.B., 2006. Mathematics and science achievement at South African schools in TIMSS 2003, Cape Town: HSRC Press.
Other mathematics and numeracy readings are listed in this Maths and numeracy readings‌ PDF. Last updated: 22nd November 2013
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