Information for first time students to residences
Information for New Students
Please note the following is extremely important information:
All Medical Aid information. If you are on a Medical Aid; please make sure you have the medical aid member and all relevant details. Please ensure that you have all the revelent information regarding any medication, any allergies or any other health issues.
Contact details for your next of kin in Case of Emergency, including ALL contact numbers (cell, work, home), e-mail address and home address.
It is the duty of the students to provide the University with all medical details in the event of an emergency. All this information can be uploaded to bbin宝盈集团, even before arriving on campus.
Please note: each residence has a microwave oven, fridges, tumble driers and washing machines for the residents at no extra charge
Things you might want to bring with to residence
(Please note all of this can be bought in Grahamstown and you don’t have to bring it from home!)
As the university provides bed linen consisting of a duvet, sheet, pillows, blankets and curtains you are most welcome to make use of it. You may, however, bring your own to make your room more comfortable (you will be responsible for the laundering). They are all single beds.
Kettle on tray with mugs
Bath and Swimming towels
Laundry Basket or Bag
Washing Powder (for automatic cold water washing machines) and Pegs
Clothes hangers
Scissors, stationery, Stapler and Punch
Exam pads and Files
If you have a computer/laptop, bring it as we have wireless internet on campus (there are computers based in the study rooms/common rooms in each residence as well as computer labs on campus)
Alarm clock
Hairdryer (if you use one)
Some smart casual clothes for formal dinners
Bookbag for carrying your files around campus and to lectures
Large water bottle
Good quality multiplug and extension cord
Cereal Bowl, glasses and drinking mug
Microwave dish
Fork, knife, spoons, can/bottle opener
Small cooler bag with zip and padlock (to store foodstuff in communal fridge)
Box Rooms
Students need to pack up their rooms usually three times a year when the University uses the Residences for the Grahamstown National Arts Festival or Conferences. We have designated Box Rooms in each Residence where students may store their belongings during the vacation. Students will be required to box their belongings and label it before putting it in the box rooms.
Things NOT to bring!
Certain household items pose a fire hazard when utilized in buildings inhabited by many people. Students are not allowed these things in the Residence:
Electric blanket or air conditioner
Any “cooking” appliances, for example a toaster, snackwich, frying pan, microwave oven, hot plates, grill, coffee maker, toasters, waffle maker or fridge
Last Modified: Fri, 17 Nov 2023 14:20:40 SAST