
Rhodes>Safety>Fire>Fire Drills

Fire Drills

Managers or heads of department (or their designees) are responsible for ensuring that fire drills are held for all occupants in their department/division/section.

Fire drills help save lives - they prepare occupants for real emergencies.

  • Fire drills must be held* at least once a year - and every term in residences** - to ensure that all occupants are familiar with the emergency evacuation plan and can evacuate safely and quickly

*Even if your fire alarm is not working; it is wise to be prepared for all eventualities (fires happen at unexpected times, even when a fire alarm system is faulty) - use an alternative method (e.g. banging pots with spoons, or ref’s whistles). 

**WARDENS: please refer to Wardens Manual.

  • HODs/Managers must ensure that their area of responsibility has an emergency evacuation PLAN of ACTION, to ensure safe and quick evacuation, and ALL occupants are familiar with the plan.

!! Emergency Evacuation Plan of Action GENERIC‌- adapt this plan so it is specific to your building !!

  • Evacuation time should be under 3 minutes - find out Why.
  • Always inform Campus Protection MANAGER (Mr Templeton Robiyana) - 046 603 8146/7 or t.robiyana(at)

  • Contact Engineering for technical assistance (to set off automatic or break glass alarm for drill): RU ext 8238 / 8236 / 7451; or speed dial 5231 (Martin) / 5031 (Peter)

  • Please report details of fire drills (a. how long it took to evacuate - starting when alarm first sounds, until when all occupants have reached Assembly Point; b. drill date & time of day; c. observations & comments) in your quarterly Health and Safety inspection report, in the space provided - download CHECKLIST here:


FIRE DRILLS: Please provide details of recent fire drill - include: a. date & time; b. evacuation time; c. numbers (e.g. present /total); d. comments & corrective action.



A building can be engulfed in flames in as little as 3 minutes. Examples of why fire safety should be taken seriously:

Also visit these links

More Info

RU Safety, Health & Environmental Officer, 046-603.7205 or safety(at)

Return to Rhodes University's Safety front page. Questions/Suggestions? Contact safety(at)

Last Modified: Tue, 30 Oct 2018 10:08:00 SAST