

Fire Alarms

Any building with three (3) or more floors should have an automatic fire detection alarmFire Alarms with Smoke Detectors at RU

It is wise to be prepared for all eventualities - fires happen at unexpected times! You need to PLAN HOW to WARN EVERYONE to GET OUT in an EMERGENCY. If your fire alarm system is faulty, use an alternative method - such as banging pots with spoons, a ref’s whistle, etc.

Fire alarms and installation 

This is the responsibility of Rhodes University's Infrastructure & Operations Electrical section, RU ext 8033 / 8034 / 7436; or speed dial 5079 / 5024.

The local Fire Chief has the authority to prescribe to RU what should be installed in a building.

Types of alarm systems include: 

  • Manual evacuation alarm: any noise-making device set off manually by a person, for example:
    • whistles (least costly option - buy at a sports shop)
    • megaphone with siren
    • air horn (buy from a fire protection company)
    • hand bell
  • Break glass alarm: organise through the Electrical (RU ext 8033 / 8034 / 7436; or speed dial 5079 / 5024) AND Building Maintenance (to put in break-glass box for key).

  • Automatic fire detection alarm: a fire alarm system with smoke detector which sets off automatically in response to smoke.

    • At RU, it will have a direct radio link to the Campus Protection Unit. NB: Regular signal TESTS are NOT carried out by CPU. The relevant building manager must please contact the CPU on x 8146 or 8147 to assist with a signal test session, e.g. before you hold a fire drill in your building.
    • Installations are arranged through the Electrical section, RU ext 8033 / 8034 / 7436; or speed dial 5079 / 5024.

Alarm fault reporting

  • Contact Electrical section, RU ext 8033 / 8034 / 7436; or speed dial 5079 / 5024.

Alarm testing

  • For Fire Drills, contact Engineering section for technical assistance to set off automatic or break glass alarms, RU ext 8238 / 8236 / 7451; or speed dial 5231 / 5031.

  • For Fire Drills, always inform Campus Protection MANAGER (Mr Templeton Robiyana - 046 603 8146/7 or t.robiyana(at) - so they can check if the automatic fire alarm signal is working.

More info:

RU Safety, Health & Environmental Officer: 046-603.7205 or safety(at)

Questions and answers: visit the Labour Guide Forum

Return to Rhodes University's Safety front page. Questions/Suggestions? Contact safety(at)

Last Modified: Tue, 30 Oct 2018 10:40:28 SAST