
Rhodes>Ruth Simbao>People>Associated>Doung Anwar Jahangeer

Doung Anwar Jahangeer

Doung Anwar Jahangeer  Doung Anwar Jahangeer1

Doung Anwar Jahangeer, a Mauritian-born architect/artist/performer living in Durban, South Africa, has engaged with the activities of the Visual and Performing Arts of Africa (ViPAA) research team on a number of different occasions. In 2014 he presented a paper on his work at the Brooklyn Museum of Fine art (Arts Council of the African Studies Association conference) for the panel "Performing Place: Psychological Environments and Contingent Sites" chaired by Ruth Simbao (Rhodes) and Gemma Rodrigues (UCLA). ViPAA members, Ruth Simbao and Rachel Baasch also presented papers on performance and place, and in connection with the panel, Jahangeer performed outside the Brooklyn Museum of Fine Art (right). He also produced the public performance ‘As the crow flies’ in Central Square, which made reference to the Jim Crow laws in the USA.

In 2012, Jahangeer produced a number of performances for the exhibition Making Way, curated by Ruth Simboa, including ‘The Other Side Citywalk’ and ‘The Other Side with the Matebese Family’. (For photographs of Jahangeer’s performances click here). An analysis of these works can be read in Simbao’s article, “Walking The Other Side: Doung Anwar Jahangeer” published in Third Text. Doung also discussed his work with students and staff in the Rhodes Fine Art Department in April 2012.  (Photos: Anna-Karien Otto and Ruth Simbao). 

Last Modified: Mon, 11 May 2015 11:59:03 SAST