
Rhodes>Registration Gateway>Returning Students(All)>Guide to hassle free registration




ONLINE ADMINISTRATIVE REGISTRATION – Opens from Monday 22 January 2024

Administrative registration will open on bbin宝盈集团 from 22 January 2024.  Once your initial fee and other requirements such as residence allocation and, where relevant, visa requirements are complete, you will be able to complete a full administrative registration from the 22 January 2024. 


Curriculum Approval will be done in two phases:

Phase 1: A limited period of online Curriculum Approval will be available for the following students:

Faculty of Commerce:     all returning students

Faculty of Humanities:    all returning students.  However, if your online curriculum is not approved by the Faculty Officer you will be required to attend the face-to-face curriculum approval on the dates indicated below.

Faculty of Law:               all returning students

Faculty of Pharmacy:      all returning students

Faculty of Science:         all returning students 

Faculty of Education:      Online Curriculum Approval WILL NOT be available for Faculty of Education students.  All Education candidates are required to do face-to-face curriculum approval on Friday 9 February.

Students will login to bbin宝盈集团 and select subjects online.  If the subject choices are declined, the student will be provided with feedback and allowed to make further choices (except for Humanities - see above).  If the subject choices are all in order, the curriculum will be approved.

Phase 2:  A period of face-to-face Curriculum Approval will be available for all students of all Faculties who did not participate in Phase 1 Curriculum Approval or who did not receive approval for their curriculum during Phase 1.

Education                    BLT, Education Building                  Friday 9 February (09h00 - 16h00)

Humanities                  Barratt complex                              Friday 9 February (09h00 - 16h00) and Saturday 10 February (09h00 - 12h00)

Science                        Eden Grove Building                       Friday 9 February (14h00 - 16h00) and Saturday 10 February (09h00 - 12h00)

Law                              Law Department                             Thursday 8 February (09h00 - 16h00) and Friday 9 February (09h00 - 16h00)

Commerce                   Eden Grove Building                       Friday 9 February (14h00 - 16h00) and Saturday 10 February (09h00 - 13h00)

Pharmacy                     Pharmacy Department                    Friday 9 February (14h00 - 16h00)

Curriculum approval will close on 23 February 2024 (two weeks after the start of term).

INITIAL FEE CLEARANCE - 19 January 2024 (final deadline for residence allocation confirmation)

The 2024 Fees booklet will be published on the website from early December 2023. Please ensure that this information is forwarded to the person responsible for your fees and that they are made aware of the deadline.

Ensure that your Initial Fee is cleared by the person paying your fees or that your sponsor has confirmed renewal of your sponsorship.  You can check your clearance through bbin宝盈集团 or by contacting the Student Bureau (046) 6038276 or the Student Fees Office (046)6038153.  If you would like written confirmation email or and expect a response within 48-72 hours.

If you have problems meeting the Initial Fee deadline, please contact the Student Fees Office in writing.  Please note that the Fees Office is the only office that can authorise extensions to the deadline.


Residence Allocations will be allocated on a daily basis as Initial Fees are cleared.  If you have missed the initial fee deadline of 19 January 2024 your residence allocation will automatically be cancelled.  You will be put on a waiting list thereafter if you wish to apply for residence.


In order to register administratively you need:

       1.  South African Students

       a)  Registration Fee clearance - all students

       2.  International Students

       a)  Passport with a study visa valid for the whole year. 

       b)  Proof of medical aid cover, offered or recognised by the University – these documents should be emailed to prior to administrative registration being cleared.


You are required to present your current student card when on campus. If you do not keep your card, you will have to obtain a replacement card and pay the standard card replacement fee.


All students whose courses begin on Monday, 12 February 2024 will be charged a late registration fee if they have not administratively registered AND completed curriculum approval by 12h00 on Saturday 10 February 2024.  

The fee will be waived only in exceptional circumstances. Reasons which would be acceptable would be such as those which would lead to a successful aegrotat examination application. Requests for a fee waiver, together with supporting documentation, should be addressed to the Manager: Academic Administration at

You are reminded that students are not allowed to start courses after the end of the second week of lectures, and so your late registration cannot be later than 23 February 2024.


It is always wise to check your registration on bbin宝盈集团 to double-check and confirm the subjects for which you have registered. 

Last Modified: Wed, 06 Dec 2023 09:57:36 SAST