

International Students


Each public university in South Africa has its own model for dealing with internationalization of its Research, Teaching and Learning, Community Engagement, and international student support services. Rhodes University adopted a de-centralised internationalization model which means that most international student services are integrated with the student services to South African students. However, the International O?ce provides support on aspects that pertain uniquely to International Students.



All international students who physically enter South Africa to study, require a valid visa. Study Visas need to be acquired prior to arrival at a Port of Entry in South Africa. Under no circumstances, should you arrive at Rhodes without a study visa.

Students who arrive with a tourist or visitor's visa will not be able to register and will be required to return home immediately. The dates on your visa are determined by your letter of o?er from the University. Always check the correct details have been issued at the time you collect your study visa: the visa should stipulate the destination University; the purpose for coming to South Africa/the degree for which you have been accepted, whether it allows multiple entries and the duration of your intended study period.



Medical Aid is a core requirement to maintain a valid study visa. The Medical Aid you purchase must come from a scheme on the list approved by the South African Council or Medical schemes. Di?erent Medical Aid schemes have designated service providers/doctors. Not all the South African Medical schemes have medical practitioners in the locality of every South African university.

Rhodes University has therefore appointed Simeka Health Consultants to assist international students coming to Makhanda, with all queries relating to appropriate medical cover, applications for membership, and membership renewal.

Simeka Health can be reached via or by telephone 0860 100 380.

You will need to submit proof of cover from an acceptable South African Medical Aid, before you will be allowed to register at Rhodes University. Your medical aid needs to remain in place for the same duration as your study visa.

International students are required to arrive at Rhodes University with the following documentation for registration:

  • Proof of Initial Fee (IF) clearance by no later than 26 January 2024
  • Passport with a valid study visa to study speci?cally at Rhodes University
  • A medical aid membership certi?cate, which can be veri?ed by the Consultants , Simeka Health (Pty)
  • For more information please check the International of?ce website: Contact details: internationalo? and +27 46 603 8217

Last Modified: Tue, 11 Apr 2023 12:51:07 SAST