
  • Stephen Baysah Dorbor Jr.

    Supervisor: Prof. Hari Tsikos

    Sponsor: ASSMANG LTD



    Stephen B. Dorbor Jr. was born and raised in Monrovia, Liberia. He came to South Africa in 2012 and completed his BSc degree in 2014 at Rhodes University where he graduated with a Geology and Chemistry degree with distinction. In 2015, he completed his Honours degree in geology and his project was focused on the PGE-Mineralised zone of the River Valley Intrusion in Canada under the supervision of Prof. Steve Prevec. This project involved the geochemical and isotopic constraints on the magma origin and sulphide mineralization of the basal zone. His MSc project focuses on the lateral and vertical variation within the BIF and Mn Ore at N’chwaning mine as well a drill core from Gloria mine. He is currently examining their petrography, major, and trace elements geochemistry with view of shedding light on the causes and controls of such variations, and implications for further exploration and mining.  A variety of analytical techniques are being used in this study, including; optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electron probe microanalysis, X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence and inductively-coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy. His extramural interests include travelling, meeting new people, playing soccer and outdoor socialising.


    Project title

    Controls for lateral and vertical  geochemical variation in iron formation and manganese ore at N’chwaning and Gloria Mines, Kalahari Manganese Field, South Africa

    Contact details



    Cell:     0733884357