
Rhodes>PRIMOR>People>Jarryd Labuschagne

Jarryd Labuschagne

 A PRIMOR student

Supervisor: Prof. Harilaos Tsikos

Sponsor: ASSMANG Ltd.



Jarryd Labuschagne was born in Pietermaritzburg, Kwa-Zulu Natal (South Africa). He began his undergraduate degree at Rhodes university in 2015, majoring in Microbiology and Geology. In 2017 he graduated top of his class for Geology earning himself a distinction and the Leslie Kent Geology award. A year later in 2018 he studied for and completed his Honors degree in geology. Jarryd is currently studying towards his master’s degree with a project looking at a manganiferous sequence in the Lephala shales in SE Botswana. The project looks to constrain the geochemical, isotopic and relative geochronologic nature of this sequence and attempt to apply it as a possible proxy for the great oxidation event.

Project title

Stratigraphy, geochemistry and origin of the manganiferous Lephala shales at Lobatse, SE Botswana.

Contact details

Cell:  071 064 4079


Linkedin profile:

Last Modified: Fri, 02 Oct 2020 09:36:27 SAST