
  • James Bursey

    Supervisor:  Prof. Hari Tsikos

    Sponsor:  CIMERA



    James was born and raised in the Eastern Cape, growing up on a farm near Kei Road whilst being schooled in East London. He completed his undergraduate studies at Rhodes University, with majors in Botany and Geology in 2014, and obtained his Honours in Geology at Rhodes University in 2015. His Honours project involved the use of garnet chemistry as an exploration tool for the SEDEX/BHT deposits located in the Aggeneys’ district of the Northern Cape, which are actively mined by Vedanta Pb, Cu and Zn. His current research involves mineralogical and geochemical analysis of unusual Mn/Na/Ba- enriched assemblages at the footwall of conglomeratic iron-ore at farm Langverwacht, in the Northern Cape Province. These assemblages have potential to hold important information concerning the genesis and fluid rock-interaction history of the iron-ores in the region, and may also permit comparisons with geochemically similar mineral assemblages further afield at the Kalahari Manganese deposit. A variety of analytical techniques are being used in this study, including; optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electron probe microanalysis, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence. His extramural interests include spending time outdoors, keeping physically active and socializing with friends. 


    Project title

    A mineralogical, geochemical, and metallogenic study of unusual Mn/ Na/ Ba assemblages at the footwall of conglomeratic iron-ore at farm Langverwacht,  Northern Cape Province, South Africa.

     Contact Details


    Cell: 076 617 7658