

Prof. Siphokazi Magadla

BA Hons (RU), MA (OHIO), PhD (RU)

Profile picture Dr Siphokazi Magadla


Prof. Siphokazi Magadla is from Ludaka in Ngqeleni. She is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Political and International Studies at Rhodes University. She teaches and researches on war and militarism in Africa; armed struggle in South Africa; women and South African foreign policy; and African feminisms, gender and citizenship. She is the author of the book ‘Guerrillas and Combative Mothers: Women and the Armed Struggle in South Africa’ (UKZN Press, 2023; Routledge, 2024), which won the NIHSS Humanities and Social Sciences Award for “Best Non-Fiction Monograph” and the Rhodes University Vice Chancellor’s Book Award. She is the co-editor of the Special Issue Thirty years of Male Daughters, Female Husbands: Revisiting Ifi Amadiume’s questions on gender, sex and political economy (2021) in the Journal of Contemporary African StudiesShe serves on the editorial boards of the International Feminist Journal of Politics, the Journal of Southern African Studies, the Advisory Board of the Feminist Reimagining of International Studies series (FeRIS) of the Bristol University Press and the Advisory Board of the University of Wisconsin Press Series: Women and Gender in Africa. She is a co-editor of the Journal of Contemporary African Studies. She is an academic mentor of the Social Science Research Council’s Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa Fellowship, which awarded her with the Helen Milner Award; and the Harry Frank Guggenheim African Fellows programme. She served in the Presidential High-Level Review Panel of the State Security Agency in 2018.




  • War and militarism in Africa
  • Women and the armed struggle in South Africa
  • African feminisms, gender, and citizenship
  • Women and South African foreign policy








Last Modified: Thu, 30 Jan 2025 10:59:31 SAST