

Dr. Stanley Kuja

MSc(Eldoret), MEng(Stellenbosch), PhD(Stellenbosch)
Contact Details:


Phone: +27 (46) 603 8970

Location: Physics Building, Room 33A


Research interests:

Dr Kuja’s research focuses on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) metrology, computational electromagnetic (CEM) modelling techniques, and laser/ fibre optics. This involves antenna design, propagation and communication applications, and radio frequency interference (RFI) mitigation strategies. EMC is an exciting field of research that plays a critical role in the advancement of new technologies, especially in the development of efficient techniques for rigorous testing and qualification of electronic devices to meet the demands of modern technologies. Dr Kuja’s research is also linked to the South Africa Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO), which is managing the installation of the MeerKAT Radio Telescope. The MeerKAT will be the largest and most sensitive telescope in the southern hemisphere and is expected to boost Africa’s transformational science capability. The EMC aspect of the research requires equivalent techniques of mitigating RFI in the MeerKAT site because it could be a show-stopper in MeerKAT doing the intended science to its full potential. Dr Kuja is an enthusiastic individual who enjoys working with other researchers and students (teamwork) and is currently open to postgraduate supervision in his field of research. His training and research experience in electronic engineering has exposed him to high-frequency testing and measurement, antenna design and applied electromagnetics.


Dr Kuja's favourite quote: “If we knew what it is we were doing, it would not be called research. Would it?” - Albert Einstein

Last Modified: Sat, 04 Dec 2021 07:39:41 SAST