
Rhodes>Pharmacy>bbin宝盈集团>Postgraduate>Admission requirements

Admission requirements


Students who have completed the BPharm degree at a sufficiently high academic standard or students who have completed a bachelor’s degree in another Faculty and have attained in their degree a standard suitable for continuation to a Master’s degree in that Faculty, and who have an interest in the application of elements of other subjects to pharmaceutical disciplines, may be admitted as candidates for the degree of Master of Science or Master of Pharmacy.

The Master of Science degree is taken by thesis. The Master of Pharmacy degree is taken either by examination, or by thesis, or a combination of the two. Registration for the Master of Science or Master of Pharmacy degree will depend upon the field of study of the candidate. Registration with the South African Pharmacy Council may be a pre-requisite for registration for the Master of Pharmacy programme.


The Faculty of Pharmacy does offer PhD’s, please refer to the Rhodes calendar under general rules (G62 -G75) and the below link to the Higher Degrees guide.

Last Modified: Tue, 12 Oct 2021 03:23:30 SAST