

Carmen Oltmann

Senior Lecturer and Deputy Dean
046 603 8494 (w), Office number T7, 3rd floor, Pharmacy building

BSc (Med) Hons (Wits), MSc, BPharm, PGDHE, PhD, (Rhodes), MPS (SA)

Professional Affiliations:

I am a reviewer for the Pharmacy Education Journal, the Higher Education Research and Development Journal, and the African Journal of Health Professions Education (AJHPE).

I have been part of two SAPC accreditation committees, and I am registered as a tutor of academic interns with the South African Pharmacy Council (SAPC) (since 2002).

Since obtaining my PGDHE (in 2004), I help the Centre for Higher Education Research, Teaching and Learning (CHERTL) at Rhodes University assess portfolios of academic staff members who are applying for tenure or promotion.

I am currently representing Rhodes University on the Eastern Cape Health Research Committee (since 2014) and the Eastern Cape AIDS Council.

I am a member of the international organising committee of Life Long Learning in Pharmacy conferences. In 2016 the conference was in Split, Croatia; in 2018 in Brisbane, Australia; and in 2021 it will be in Dublin, Ireland.


I teach under-graduate students in all years i.e. from first to fourth year. In addition, I facilitate practicals for 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students. These practicals are designed to allow for experiential learning and for the application of theory into practice. I have been the 4th year coordinator for more than 15 years, and also help the 4th years find internship positions.

Research Interests:

My research interests include Sports Pharmacy, critical realism, Pharmacy Education, and mentoring.

In 2011 I completed a (part time) fellowship with the Southern African FAIMER Regional Institute (SAFRI) [FAIMER stands for the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research]. This is a faculty development programme. The fellowship lasted two years, and focused on the development of leadership and management skills as well as promoting the advancement of educational scholarship of participants. In 2012 I was a SAFRI faculty member.

I am a member of a research group looking at the attributes and competencies of Health educators in the 21st Century, in South Africa.

Recent Publications:

Oltmann, C. (2018). Sports Pharmacy in South Africa – need or nonsense? SAPJ vol 85, No. 3, 50.

Oltmann, C. (2018). Developing South African Health Professions Educators for the 21st Century – Abstract published in Pharmacy Education, page 24, available at

I wrote part of chapter 7 in the following book: Gray, A., Osman, L. and Vawda, Y.A. (2019). Pharmacy Law in South Africa – a Practitioner’s Handbook. LexisNexis, Cape Town, pages 151 – 156.

Link to CV on request