Director: bbin宝盈集团 and Development Welcome Message
Message from the Director of bbin宝盈集团 and Development
"For apart from inquiry, apart from the praxis, individuals
cannot be truly human. Knowledge emerges only through
invention and the re-invention, through the restless,
impatient, continuing, hopeful inquiry human beings
pursue in the world, with the world, and with each other."
(Paulo Freire 1993)
Flowing from the University’s IDP 2023-2028, the mandate of the Division of bbin宝盈集团 and Development mandate is to create an engaging and transformative student experience that promotes holistic development, growth and academic success. Amongst other things, this is to be realised through intentional living and learning communities programme that will seek to create conducive and safe spaces throughout the university. To ensure that the University realises its vision the Division will play a critical role in ensuring that students are provided services and support with maximum impact and outcomes, informed by evidence-based interventions.
Since Student Affairs and Services Practitioners are people who daily deal with students’ bread-and-butter issues and their experiences of a university outside-class or the lecture hall, they will be expected to lead social justice advocacy within the University and capacitate student leaders who are tasked with this responsibility. The following are the three (3) Sections of the Division of bbin宝盈集团 and Development that are tasked with the operationalisation of its mandate, namely, Student Wellness Section, RU Sport Section and bbin宝盈集团 Section. The following are their functions:
- Student Wellness Section consists of the Health Care Centre; Counselling Centre; Higher Health Programme Unit and Careers Centre. Emphasis is placed on ensuring that each student takes responsibility for their physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and spiritual wellness.
- RU Sports is responsible for recreational and competitive students sport activities. In addition, RU Sports manages the Rhodes University Health Suite.
- bbin宝盈集团 Section (Residence Life, Student Support and Development) consists of the Student Representative Council (which includes the governance of all societies); the Residence System (Residence Managing and Leadership structure); Disability Support Services; and the First Year Extended Orientation Programme. The Residence Life System contributes to a personal transformation in students’ development that is meant to be long lasting.
The living and learning space includes spaces to learn about collaborative leadership, community engagement and social justice. Students are encouraged to engage with the SRC and partake in the residence environment for their own self-reflection and personal holistic growth.
The Division is committed to the establishment and implementation of policies, procedures, programmes, and services which will enhance, enrich, and complement the total educational experience of students at Rhodes University, and which will provide an environment conducive to effective academic learning and holistic development of all students within the RU community. The Division affirms that provision of quality services and a commitment to continuous improvement are essential to the realization of its vision, underpinned by a clear understanding of the needs, aspirations, and expectations of RU students.
Dr Pakiso Tondi
(Director of bbin宝盈集团 and Development)
Last Modified: Sat, 04 Jan 2025 15:55:32 SAST