Health Care Centre
The HCC is the building on the left, near the top of Rhodes Avenue, the steep road that goes up the hill past Hobson House and CPU . The nursing staff in the HCC are on duty throughout the term to provide a professional and caring service to students at Rhodes University . Five qualified nursing sisters who provide the services below run the health care centre . Students are welcome to discuss their problems and these discussions are confidential .
For students on medical aid, all emergencies will be referred to Settlers hospital via ER24 or Gardmed ambulance and the hospital staff will organise that the doctor meets the patient there . If there is no private Dr after hours, the hospital doctor will see the emergency . Appointments can also be made for the students to see the doctor at the surgery .
The student is responsible for the medical practitioner’s charges and for the cost of prescribed medicines from local pharmacies . A doctor is available to see students every weekday and the charge is approximately half a normal consultation fee from the private sector per visit from the student account .
An appointment will be secured with the doctor via the Health Care Centre staff or Counselling Centre . Admissions at the HCC is free for ALL students, not only residence students but also for Oppidans .
There are ten beds for patients suffering from infectious diseases or ailments such as flu, tonsillitis, and gastroenteritis for those recovering after surgical procedures . It is also a haven for those suffering from stress, anxiety, and depression . This in-patient facility is available free to students in residence and at a nominal fee to Oppidans.
Opening hours
During the term, please make an appointment online via bbin宝盈集团, call 046 603 8523, or email: healthcarecentre@ru .ac .za
Monday 08h00 -16h30
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 08h00 – 13h00
During university vacations: Monday- Friday: 09h30-12h30 (call 010 205 3068 from 12h30)
Medical emergency after hours
For any medical emergencies after hours (from 16H30–08H00) daily and on the weekends), please contact the RU ER24 emergency number 010 205 3068 . If the problem is not an emergency, then rather come go the Centre during office hours .
Free services
? Treatment of minor ailments such as flu, tonsillitis etc .
? In-patient care for acute illnesses .
? Management and care of patients with infectious diseases .
? Post-operative observations
? Emergency assessment and crisis management . (e .g . rape)
? Voluntary HIV testing, including pre- and post-test counselling
? HIV AIDS medication
? Screening tests e .g . blood pressure .
? Family planning advice .
Services at a minimal cost
? Vaccinations (flu, etc .)
? Pregnancy tests
? Pap smears and blood tests .
? Doctors clinic: approximately R300 .00 per consultation, the fees rise annually
? Vitamins and appropriate medication for HIV & AIDS patients
Referral services
Staff at the Health Care Centre can make referrals to a range of other medical services in the town, including private doctors and dentists, the Counselling Centre, the Psychology Clinic, the hospital, social workers and private counsellors . Students who have undergone surgery recently or who are under private medical care, which requires follow-up treatment by the health care centre sisters should provide a letter of consent from their doctors .
Admissions at the Health Care Centre
1) Infectious diseases such as:
a . tuberculosis, except for multidrug-resistant TB and extremely drug-resistant TB the length of stay is (14) days . We admit students who are in residence only, those in digs normally remain there, unless their digs-mates have not had exposure or the infectious illness before
b . Chickenpox, rubella, mumps or any infectious diseases such as meningitis will be treat- ed at a hospital level, the length of stay is five (5) days .
2) Acute illnesses such as dysmenorrhea, abdominal pain and headache the length of stay necessary is 1-2 days . We may admit acute illnesses where we are concerned for the health of the student and we wish to monitor the progress of the illness . This is at the discretion of the HCC staff . If necessary, the student may be referred to Settlers Hospital .
Post-operative care: the length of stay is about five days . Post-operative care may include wound care and pain management where the patient is stable and admission is at the discretion of the HCC staff.
Last Modified: Wed, 16 Feb 2022 11:12:22 SAST