
Rhodes>Oppidan>Oppi Guides>Living as an Oppidan

Life as an Oppidan

Living as an Oppidan

Being a good neighbour

? Introduce yourself to your neighbour and give them your cell number so that they can contact you if there is a problem
? Keep doors and windows closed to ensure that the noise is contained
? If your music can be heard when you stand outside your house, your neighbours can hear it too
? Inform your neighbours of your intention to have a party at least 2 days in advance and give them a definite noise cut-off time
? Do not have loud conversations outside your house, especially in the early hours of the morning- talk inside
? Watch your language- there might be children living next door
? When spending time in your garden, either braaing or working on a project, ensure that the noise is not disturbing your neighbours
? When braaing, position your fire well away from the wall or fence of your property so that the smoke does not blow directly into the window of the neighbouring house- see to it that the fire is not under any electrical or telephone lines or trees and choose a place in your garden where the smoke blows upwards and away
? Finally, use your own common sense- if the noise you are making would annoy your parents if they were your neighbours, there is a good chance that you are in fact being annoying and inconsiderate.


There are no special rules applying to the Oppidan Hall as there are in Halls of residence. However, the Rhodes Student Disciplinary Code applies throughout Grahamstown – just because you live off campus doesn’t mean you’re above the law. Apart from that, be considerate and promote healthy relations between ‘town and gown’ by meeting your neighbours and letting them know when you will be having parties and what time the noise will stop. A simple note dropped in your neighbours’ post-boxes apologising for any inconvenience and offering them your contact details can go a long way in ensuring a positive, happy digs experience.
You should also ask your neighbours for their telephone numbers – you may want to telephone a neighbour about a barking dog that is depriving you of sleep. If your neighbour does have a problem about your conduct you would probably prefer to hear from him or her directly, rather than have them complain to the Oppidan Hall Warden. If your neighbour has your telephone number available it may make a difference. Remember that neighbours include those living a stone’s throw’s away that you have never seen, of whose house entrance may be in another street.

Finding a house

Much of the Grahamstown community is geared toward accommodating students, with many houses being rented out as digs, garden flats leased out and rooms in or sections of houses sub let to students.

An Oppidan digs list is available on the Oppidan website ( and this digs list is constantly updated.


Oppi Bus Service

The  Oppidan Bus is a free service to all Oppidans that acts as a shuttle from outside the Main Library to your digs….FREE OF CHARGE! It operates from Monday to Friday from 6pm and 12pm andSaturday and Sunday 5pm, 8pm and 9pm during term time.

The bus leaves every hour on the hour daily.


Last Modified: Mon, 13 May 2019 13:07:41 SAST