
Rhodes>NbS4AfrRes>Our Team>UCT_Danielle Cloete

Danielle Cloete

University of Cape Town, South Africa

Danielle is interested in research including factors impacting surface water quality; GIS and remote sensing techniques and more recently interested in climate resilience and engaged science communication and informing citizens about climate change impacts and sustainable practices to lessen vulnerabilities.

The study uses remote sensing and statistical techniques in assessing land use land cover impacts on surface water quality in the Heuningnes Catchment, Cape Agulhas, South Africa. Firstly, a review of the advancements made in extracting water quality information because of land use land cover impacts, specifically the advancements of modelling techniques that consider spatiotemporal variations across water quality parameters was conducted. The review results show that advancements made across small-scale waterbodies and developing countries such as sub-Saharan Africa are impaired by resource and data constraints. The land cover classification findings showed that the Support Vector Machine (SVM) successfully categorized LULC in the catchment, with good overall accuracy (55% and 75%) and kappa coefficients (0.43 and 0.69), for July 2017 and July 2018. The Heuningnes catchment has recorded high concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN), 20mg/l and 18.9 mg/l, for March and July 2018 respectively, indicating a predominantly agricultural region. Water Ratio Index (WRI) performed the best overall accuracies, ranging between 75% and 81%. Band ratio regression techniques presented a significant positive relationship (0.4 and 1.88), in extracting water quality parameters, between July 2017 and July 2018. This research confirms the significant impacts of land management practices on surface water quality. Furthermore, Sentinel-2 has a high spatial resolution in accurately extracting water features, gathering timely data for dynamic changes in land cover that constantly occur; and is useful in assessing non-optical factors like TP and TN.

Current affiliation:
Future Water Institute, University of Cape Town; Research Administrative Officer

Publications and presentations:
Cloete, D. N., Shoko, C., Dube, T., & Clarke, S. (2024). Remote sensing-based land use land cover classification for the Heuningnes Catchment, Cape Agulhas, South Africa. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C134, 103559.

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Last Modified: Thu, 12 Sep 2024 14:29:03 SAST